here's the thing -
i'm not sure if i should drop bio (which i find boring) for va (which i find fun
the only things thats keeping me with bio is that i want to pursue b.veterinarysc which says its "recommended" and that im considering keeping it for year 12 as for 12u since im not sure if ill be able to cope with 4u maths D;
(if it helps im doing: 3umaths,2uadv eng, chem, phys, bio, sor)
i'm not sure if i should drop bio (which i find boring) for va (which i find fun
the only things thats keeping me with bio is that i want to pursue b.veterinarysc which says its "recommended" and that im considering keeping it for year 12 as for 12u since im not sure if ill be able to cope with 4u maths D;
(if it helps im doing: 3umaths,2uadv eng, chem, phys, bio, sor)