Well, we got cut and are doing inner journeys... which i guess is mildly easy because its subjective mostly...
Journey to the Interior is intriguing, the woman writes like she is crazier than anyone I know, but that was her intention, shes not really crazy, happily married apparently in Canada. It's an interesting text to put in, but the comparisons she makes are pretty metaphorical. . . which entirely fit into the whole inner journey focus... there are some lines that are so interesting, a favourite "that the hills which the eyes make flat as a wall, welded together open as I move to let me through..." so many ways to interpret...
Blood on the tracks we haven't looked at alot, had a few discussions on how it correlates between fate and individual choice/outcomes, but yeh, as i said not much ont hat one yet
Wind in the Willows is another interesting one, as much as I know I'm going to hate them all by the end, I must admit BOS is trying. I can't imagine having to discuss Text 2 a and b from the Changing stimulus, it would kill me... time for a change, so its good I think, and really journeys is change, so its pretty much all the same... although Journeys has a certain sense of depth... Maybe its just a personal thing, but I think journeys can go further...
Ok, ill shut the hell up now,