Boyfriends for Girls (1 Viewer)


Jul 5, 2010
Oh there you are Aquawhite, I've known it's creepy for a long time. But I have the train of thought: "If she doesn't like me - then it's "creepy", if she likes me - then it's "true love/dedication"" or whatnot.

But I'm obsessed because I'm kicking myself for not asking her out when I had the chance to. And because of the small number of females which I've had the privilege of meeting - she stands out to me in the same way Don Bradman's batting average stands out among everyone elses. People have said it's because she's the first person I liked in that way - I have an exceedingly bad case of puppy love.

And because of that, my logic and reasoning is being thrown out the window. You know when your head is telling you something that your metaphorical heart refuses to accept? It's that kind of thing. My head says: "Dude, everyone is saying the same thing. She doesn't like you" - but then the metaphorical heart will always retort: "But if you were able to talk to her, perhaps you could convince her otherwise". And because I'm obsessed, in the end I'll always choose the metaphorical heart because that slim 0.0000000000001% chance of winning her appeals to me much more than looking elsewhere.

But others have said I'll find a "hot chick" (to use their words) "first week of uni and you'll forget about her". Since I feel I'm starting to get a bit crazy, I hope I find someone else... though part of me says I hope I find her instead.

Though I agree - I am in love with the idea of being in love.

But as of right now, I don't think I can stop thinking about her - nor realise she's not my time. In fact, my mind would consider retorting: "I'm not worth her time". /crazyperson

I apologise if my rambles seem non-sensical but I try to organise them (that is, my thoughts) as nicely as possible.
No dude, as a girl I can tell you that it's just plain creepy, yeah?

I think you need to get over her. And stop flaunting your obsessiveness all over forums. Clearly she is not interested. If she was, she would reply to your messages and accept your first request (and not reject the multiple ones to come). To her, you're creeper mccreeperson. There are quite a few guys out there like you, and it is nothing girls find cute.

"I'm obsessed because I'm kicking myself for not asking her out when I had the chance to."

So this is how your mind reacts to regret? Just get over it ffs. That opportunity slipped by, who cares. You'll meet others. For your sake, I wish you did ask her out then. She would have rejected you and you would have gotten over her and moved on, and you would not have spiralled into such creepiness.

You're living in fantasy land and making yourself the protagonist of some woe is me romance you're creating yourself as you live on. It's so pathetic, really.


Cult of Personality
Sep 19, 2009
I know to an extent it is creepy, but I maintain that this undying obsession akin to what love is as purported by teenagers in "love" is creepy if the girl doesn't return what the boy feels - and "true love" if the girl does.

And when I regret something - I try to rectify the situation. Besides, since I highly doubt I'll meet others. I'm too eccentric for that <_<

And of course I am the protagonist of the woe is me romance that is my life. It's not pathetic it's like... the Sorrows of Werther. Though it probably is pathetic.

But yes, I probably need some sense e-slapped into me. More please.


Jul 5, 2010
Yes, I understand your little theory, and it is generally true to some extent, but you are going way way WAY overboard.

Even if I returned feelings for a guy for example, if he thought about me every waking moment and basically worshipped the floor I stood on and was obsessive and delirious about me...well, I'd back off, because it's not healthy or normal at all. He'd clearly be an uninteresting anti-social person. It leads to all the problems associated with obsessiveness...possessiveness and jealousy and all those other lovely qualities. You are infatuated and not in love. So what you're doing is creepy full stop, despite how said girl feels towards you.

I feel that there are not many girls in your life or many that you socialise with, so you've just clung to this one girl who you believe you may have had a chance with. This sliver of hope has caused you to just build all these fantasies and thoughts around it.

The remedy to this is meeting other girls and just having a good time with your friends for now. m8, just let go. You won't get her. It's been a few years. However, you may come across another outstanding female citizen of society who reciprocates your feelings...and if she happens to uncover your obsession or once-obsession for this chick is ever uncovered (because a zillion words and a billion threads on a million forums about her may surface), well, that could be problematic, because she'd question what is on your mind.

Your mind will burn out if you occupy it with these thoughts. Use all that brain power to contribute positively to this world. Honestly, if you're going to keep doing this, you're just being a waste of space and clogging up the net.

And if it helps, buy new clothes, re-do your room a little, do something with your may give you a little more confidence.
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real human bean
Nov 17, 2007
Yes, I understand your little theory, and it is generally true to some extent, but you are going way way WAY overboard.

Even if I returned feelings for a guy for example, if he thought about me every waking moment and basically worshipped the floor I stood on and was obsessive and delirious about me...well, I'd back off, because it's not healthy or normal at all. He'd clearly be an uninteresting anti-social person. It leads to all the problems associated with obsessiveness...possessiveness and jealousy and all those other lovely qualities. You are infatuated and not in love. So what you're doing is creepy full stop, despite how said girl feels towards you.

I feel that there are not many girls in your life or many that you socialise with, so you've just clung to this one girl who you believe you may have had a chance with. This sliver of hope has caused you to just build all these fantasies and thoughts around it.

The remedy to this is meeting other girls and just having a good time with your friends for now. m8, just let go. You won't get her. It's been a few years. However, you may come across another outstanding female citizen of society who reciprocates your feelings...and if she happens to uncover your obsession or once-obsession for this chick is ever uncovered (because a zillion words and a billion thread on a million forums about her may surface), well, that could be problematic, because she'd question what is on your mind.

Your mind will burn out if you occupy it with these thoughts. Use all that brain power to contribute positively to this world. Honestly, if you're going to keep doing this, you're just being a waste of space and clogging up the net.

And if it helps, buy new clothes, re-do your room a little, do something with your may give you a little more confidence.
ITP: Good Advice.


Cult of Personality
Sep 19, 2009
So you're suggesting... I take my mind off her by doing other things and then hopefully the obsessive compulsiveness that I have with her will fade away into something I used to do - but stopped doing?

So I should... write some stories, read a book, finish FIFA Career Mode - that kind of thing?

I agree if my obsession was eventually uncovered that could be problematic. But still, I could always play the "I just had a very bad case of puppy love" card... or would that not work.

To your post: yes, I haven't met many girls - and yes, because she's the only one that I may have had a chance with (and that I found her completely attractive) - I pinned all hopes on her. Though it probably is creepy, if I thought a girl was doing that to me. You're right, I will contend that.

I'm just worried that if I get over her - I won't find someone that evokes the required emotions again. I have terribly high standards. But I suppose living alone has it's benefits. Maybe.


Jun 8, 2009
I may be obsessed with her and to quote from 500 Days of Summer "essentially stalking her" - but no, I don't know where she's going.
Aw nuuu. Well if she's going to UNSW, I'll befriend her. Build up her trust (for you), and then when I feel like it shall be fitting. I will introduce you like this;

"Have you met Shadowdude?"


Cult of Personality
Sep 19, 2009
Well, you don't even know what she looks like!

If we end up walking together - you'll know it's her if I just freeze and start staring at this one girl and I go completely unresponsive. =P

And I get the How I Met Your Mother reference... Have you met Ted?

Please tell me I got my quotes right.


Jun 8, 2009
Well, you don't even know what she looks like!

If we end up walking together - you'll know it's her if I just freeze and start staring at this one girl and I go completely unresponsive. =P

And I get the How I Met Your Mother reference... Have you met Ted?

Please tell me I got my quotes right.
Yeh, try not to do that, regardless of who you're with, otherwise you'll be know campus wide as "that guy"... =P

Haha, and yes you got it right.


Cult of Personality
Sep 19, 2009
It would probably end up better if I ended up with her - so I could be known as "that guy (who ended up with that girl)" =P

On a side note: yay, I got my quote right! Considering that's the only episode I've watched... that's pretty good!


real human bean
Nov 17, 2007
you'll know it's her if I just freeze and start staring at this one girl and I go completely unresponsive.
Wear a costume. That way you can come back in a different one if you screw up the first time.

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