Anyway what I am not happy about my Physics teacher is the extra-curricular stuff he often teaches in class such as the Maths Extension 1 trig stuff like sin(A+B) = sin (A+B)=sin A cos B + cos A sin B and sin2A = 2 sinA cosA
Most of us are able to diffrentiate the equations of projectile motion, but the poor General Maths student (who is currently the worst in the class) can't.
I also take his comment "Physics is easy" as quite sarcastic and biased (from our schools frame of reference), because our Physics class consists of only 12 male students where most of them are the the more academically-inspired types and no regular Year 11 student would dare study Physics

, based on popular myth Physics is hard, while on the other hand my friend's school has 6 Physics classes, a far cry to ours (note he goes to a part-selecive school).