Hey. I have practically lived in Byron every weekend for about 5 years now. This is a small guide to the town.
Just a note: If your going to get anywhere, you'll need to know where the Byron Bay bus shelter is. The Bus Shelter is where all of the big cross-country coaches stop, therefore all information for visitors is scattered closely to that area. The Byron Bay bus shelter can be found accross the road from the Byron Bay Community Centre.
Just behind the shelter is The Bay's main information kiosk, and behind the kiosk is The Rails. This is actually a good place to start your club rounds.
Beware of the bus shelter at night, though. Much of the bad things that happen in Byron, happen at the shelter at night.
- There are a few YHA's around Byron's CBD. Simply walk into an info centre and ask for the location.
- Hotels and Motels are plentiful, although you may need to finance transport to and from.
- There are also some shared houses that offer accomodation to tourists and visitors
- Backpackers lodges are everywhere in Byron. If you just go for a stroll, I'll guarantee you'll eventually find one.
Various modes of transport around The Bay
A 20 buck note will definitely get you to the Byron Bay bus shelter from Suffolk Park via taxi. Done that a few times.
The taxi service in Byron Bay is great, it is even better if you book a Maxi Taxi and everyone puts in. Depending on where you are going and the amount of people in the van, you could be paying 2 bux for a ride into the CBD.
A hire car is always an option. There are a few hire centers in the CBD, but it could be easier to just walk into a travel agent, internet cafe, or backpackers info centre and ask about them. One hire car centre can be found next to the Byron bus shelter.
Busses during the Weekdays will arrive at each stop once every hour. During the weekend (not sure if this still happens for schoolies) the busses only run once every few hours. They may organise shuttle busses, but this is unlikely.
MAKE SURE you have taken note of the last bus time for where you are going, as if you only have enough money for the bus back home, and you miss the final bus... You are in trouble. Hitchhiking is an option, but be carefull who you get in a car with. After all... It IS Byron Bay.
Clubs and Entertainment:
There are numerous clubs in the Byron CBD:
- Cheeky Monkeys (Restaraunt and party bar)
- Railway Friendly Bar aka. "The Rails" (Free live music and restaraunt)
- Cocomangas (Byron's longest running nightclub)
- Lala land (club and bar)
- Hotel Great Northern (Multi-entertainment centre. The front is a pub, but the back is a hall with a rather large stage)
- The beach hotel (THE BEST live entertainment centre in the Byron Shire. Bar, club and food served)
These are just a few, but they are the best venues in the Byron CBD.
- Bay Kebabs (best kebab shop in Byron. Open till 3am). Situated just as you come into byron over the railway tracks.
- Fishheads fish and chips (slightly over-priced fish and chips, near the beach. Not sure what time they close, but they close later then most F&C shops).
- Eagle Boys Pizza are open late.
- Domino's Pizza are open to compete with Eagle Boys.
- Baskin Robbins icecream close around 8:30 - 9:00 as far as I know.
Don't hesitate to stumble into any open food shop.
Good places to relax on your final day (or if your so hung-over you can't go on) include:
- Obviously the main beach at byron.
- Watego's beach, usually void of other schoolies and much quieter than main beach (requires a drive, or taxi. Don't know if busses run there).
- If your feeling adventurous, venture outside of byron bay, and head to Brunswick Heads. The Brunswick Hotel is a great little hotel that has a great atmosphere, is right on the river and is a short walk from the Beach. Usually cool temerature-wise all year round because of sea-breeze and wind coming off the river. The coutyard is picturesque and the food served is great.
- The Beach Hotel is a great relaxing place during the day. Live music, drinks, sun (and air con), and the beach is just a stroll away.
- The teatree lakes (very soothing swimming area located north on the highway just outside Byron itself. It is located on Gray's Lane, a dirt road. You may want a local to show you. Just one thing... It is also a prime nudist destination. Go round the back if you are uncomfortable with this.
- Beware of the bus shelter at night. I know I said this before, but this is where most of the bad happenings in byron, well, happen. Much of the local homeless population of Byron Bay tend to hang around the shelter at night, and tend to get a little aggressive. If your going to The Rails, walk around the back of the shelter through The Rails carpark.
- As usual in any place, don't walk down the side-streets and alleyways at night. Many people have made this mistake in Byron.
- There is always at least one police patrol car on the road at one time. This is boosted to 3, or maybe even 5 during large events.
- Police foot patrols may be deployed during Schoolies. They tend to walk into the pubs and clubs, so this could be a good thing, or a bad thing for some, depending on how you look at it.
- The rangers patrol and can usually be of assistance.
-The bouncers in Byron are well-trained. They are extreamly good at recognising fake I.D., so, be carefull, all you frauds

Public toilets: Can be found in the park, a few steps towards the center of Byron from the Bus Shelter, and Down near the beach, in the blue building behind the playground in the park. I only know of these two. They may deploy porta-potties in some areas.
Last note: Even if your not one for tourist attractions, I reccomend looking at the Byron Bay Lighthouse. It's the most eastern point of Australia. You'll see alot of pictures of the lighthouse in and around Byron. It can be a bit of a hike up there. Catch public transport or drive to the base.
Hope this guide helps in the schoolies plight!
Links to help ya'll:
Contact me if you need info.