Hello Seremify007, first of all thank you. You are doing a great job by helping people in making such a big career decision.
To start with, I am a chartered accountant from India. I got enrolled as a member about 6 months back.
My brother is an Australian citizen and I too wanted to move here seeing the beautiful life people live here.
I came across with the MRA between ICAI and ICAA, that the members can get membership to counterpart institute by taking up the bridging studies. For India, it was the EBA module.
So I am in Australia right now. And have enrolled for the EBA module.
As you are already a chartered accountant, can you please tell me something about this module. How to prepare for this module ? Is the CLP provided enough from exam point of view ?
And can you also tell me what has been the students passing percentage for this module in the past ? Because what I think is, after coming across 4 such massive technical modules, do people ever fail in EBA ?
In India we have something called GMCS(general management and communication skills), where we come across similar agenda. Discussing real life cases in a meeting kind of environment and like that. Can EBA be compared with GMCS ?
And apart from this, I also wanted some help with the migration procedure. Have you ever come across someone who has become a member of ICAA under the MRA scheme ?
Because, as I am a fresher, I do not have any employment experience, hence I am falling short of the point based migration route. Though I have completed three and a half years of compulsory full time internship under a mentor CA in India.
Is there any other way by which I can gain PR in Australia ?
And given the present economic conditions, is it possible for me to get sponsorship from an employer ? given the fact that I have no real job experience.
All and any input to this will be highly appreciated.