
I used to lurk these threads with my old BoS account, but I still like to keep an eye on these Cadetship/Accounting ones
Not sure if anybody remembers me, but anyhow...
I accepted a cadetship last year with a mid-tier firm. My resume wasn't impressive (no work experience & little extra curricular unless you include the weekend sports I did). Where they were interested was my grades. I consistently did well at school, and that impressed when I went to interviews and applied for jobs. My actual HSC marks and ATAR were nowhere near where I wanted, but nobody seemed to mind.
I had an interview with 3 upper mid tier firms (I did not apply for any big 4, so I can't help with those sorry) and accepted a position in one (in insolvency). The offer was conditional on being offered a place at any university where i could do part time studies. This generally means no USYD, and anywhere that offers night courses. (I think Moore Stephens specifically lists UNSW, UTS, MACQ or UWS as universitys you can choose from). I was very upfront and said I would be attending UWS and none were discouraged by this.
I ended up leaving this job after 6 months. Though it was a very good job, personal circumstances meant I could not handle it to the best of my abilities
A month or so after leaving, I applied for other cadet/trainee positions. These were all at smaller firms closer to where I live, but none the less, are technically cadetship positions. I'm now working in a lovely small firm and I love my job. Again, the fact my HSC results weren't amazing didn't matter to them (and barely passing a subject in my first semester at uni didn't seem to bother them either)
If you want a cadetship, my advice would to be confident. Cadetships are invaluable experience for later in life. You realise very quickly if accounting is right for you, and still being in the early stages of uni, it isn't to late to change.
I hope everything works out well for you all. I've been through all the ups and downs associated with cadetships, so hopefully sharing some of my experiences will encourage you to follow your hearts