@chrono and anyone else currently on an accounting (the most popular) cadetship:
What field of accounting are you in (or do some companies have flexi programs?), and what do you actually do?
i.e., write reports, check business inventory, get coffee for your boss

P) ??
I'm in Audit/Assurance(seen in various places around my profile

),every accounting firm understands that alot people don't know which area of accounting they wish to go into, but they do want someone who has an idea,therefore in basically every application you will see a box for the field you are interested in and usually why(or describe). I know PwC has a training "camp" for their first years to let them get a better idea of which area they wish to be in and specialise later,for some firms like mine,you are in a general accounting area like Audit but it you do not specialise until much later(and even then you aren't specialised you are just selecting whichever field of engagements you wish to do),this suits some and others not as much who wish to focus on a particular field in their career (jack of all trades, master of none). Then there is also an area which some mid-tiers and small tiers have which is business services(or something with business in it's name), this typically incompasses many areas of accounting for clients with smaller businesses,and usually do anything ranging from tax to audit reports.
Overall research each area of accounting before doing your application, it helps alot! and also helps decide if you want to do accounting as a career or in university,etc..I know this wasn't your exact question but i had a feeling it would evenuate to this haha.
I'm actually just about to start next week, so the best person to ask what you actually do is Jinks who has started his cadetship quite a while ago.