Hey friends, I realise there have been quite a few posts about this topic recently but I still don't quite grasp the concept of moderation of internal/external marks etc, so I was just hoping for some further clarification 
I attend a top 40 school and my worst subject (BY FAR) is Mathematics. Before I sat my trials I (think) I ranked 74/88 (I know it's bad, pls no judgement) with a mark in the mid 60's (I would be more specific but I don't actually remember hahaha sorry)
I just sat my trial and I honestly don't think my mark will surpass the 60-70% point and I now realise how important my externals will be.
So say a miracle occurs and I get 85 as my external math mark (irrespective of scaling) and I rank 10/88 for the externals for my cohort. Will my internal mark improve at all? I've heard hearsay about 'stealing other people's ranks' and I know that's not how it works but I do know that there is some correlation between the internal and external marks, I'm just super unsure of what it is.
I would ask at school how everything works but I'm doing trials right now and I really don't want to tell my math teacher that I think I've already failed the test. #pray
Any help would be appreciated!!!!!!! 2015 HSC squad we're nearly at the end!
(doing well in my other 8 units, never fear)
I attend a top 40 school and my worst subject (BY FAR) is Mathematics. Before I sat my trials I (think) I ranked 74/88 (I know it's bad, pls no judgement) with a mark in the mid 60's (I would be more specific but I don't actually remember hahaha sorry)
I just sat my trial and I honestly don't think my mark will surpass the 60-70% point and I now realise how important my externals will be.
So say a miracle occurs and I get 85 as my external math mark (irrespective of scaling) and I rank 10/88 for the externals for my cohort. Will my internal mark improve at all? I've heard hearsay about 'stealing other people's ranks' and I know that's not how it works but I do know that there is some correlation between the internal and external marks, I'm just super unsure of what it is.
I would ask at school how everything works but I'm doing trials right now and I really don't want to tell my math teacher that I think I've already failed the test. #pray
Any help would be appreciated!!!!!!! 2015 HSC squad we're nearly at the end!
(doing well in my other 8 units, never fear)
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