My school is charity-based. Our motto means "That I May Serve", by serving we support many different charities and do community service for 10 hours in both year 9 & 10.
There are 6 Houses and each house has 6 tutor groups each. Each house supports a different charity, and there are some charities we raise money for all within the school, e.g Breast Cancer Research.
Every tutor group has at least 1 charity stall, whether it be through a cake stall, pizza stall, ice cream, you name it - we've had it. Last year my tutor group did this indoor soccer compeition and raised a fair bit of money.
The idea is to raise at least $100 per tutor group and then use that to give to the set charity.
We do Christmas hampers (being done now - obviously), and we've also sponsored children through world vision, 40hour famine, jump rope for heart (year 7's peer support n stuff), and we recently raised enough money to build 5 houses for the poor in Cambodia (a girl in my year goes over to cambodia with her dad and helps build the houses with the chairty), we hold mufti days once every term and give the money which we raise to chairty... We've done legacy badges, breast cancer ribbons, white ribbons (stop violence against women - i think), bandanna day, and much much more...
and to think that people say that all private schools don't give a crap.. :|