Why should I? The English masscred the aborigines, raped their women and stole their land, and I'm a Chinese, this has nothing to do with me.Not-That-Bright said:Are you offering up your home to the aboriginies berry?
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Why should I? The English masscred the aborigines, raped their women and stole their land, and I'm a Chinese, this has nothing to do with me.Not-That-Bright said:Are you offering up your home to the aboriginies berry?
Wtf?Not-That-Bright said:Exactly i have no problem with saying sorry to them, i'm honestly sorry that their ancestors went through so much crap in the name of british expansion... but the notion that we owe them land or that we ourselves did something to them i find obsurd.
I would add something to that, but I kinda got sick of getting flamed, so I'll abstain.Not-That-Bright said:If your grandfather had raped my grandmother and family.. i wouldn't have any beef with you at all, and you telling me that you are sorry for what happened would be enough.
Berry, i am not a person that did it to the aboriginies either.
If you believe that this land is the property of the aboriginals than u have no right to claim it as ur own, chinese or european.. You think that when some aboriginals talk about taking back land and how we owe them all the land they're not including non-european immigrants?
I wouldn't jump to conclusions just yet. We base this on our economy (I'm chinese), but we also have to look at military might, and more importantly, the governement, before we can make a proper prediction on whether China would be a superpower by 2050.Dingo2004 said:by 2020, china will have the largest economy in the world.
by 2050, china will be the most powerful country in the world.
currently in 2004, many countries in Asia, are promoting Mandarin as a second language next to English to learn, so they can do businesses with China etc, as it is foreseeable that China is the goldpot of future Asia. Even the ASX suggested that future for Australia is not with the US, but with China.
The Cold War is over, the Soviet Union are now history.
But a new power is rising, one that has 5 times the population of the old Soviet Union -- and a growing economy -- and territorial designs on its neighbors.
China has a long and proud history. Except for very recent history, China has been bigger and stronger by far than any of its Western counterparts, such as the Roman Empire, Persian Empire etc. The Chinese have a keen sense of this history, as well as their recent (past 150 years) humiliations at the hands of the West and Japan. Only recently in China's history have they fallen to the hands of the west and japs. However that is due to other things such is poor administration of its then current monarchy.
But today, we see China as a rising superpower in future modern day society. As soon as china rids of its communist government and become a democracy, it will by far be the most superpower nation this planet has ever seen.
Dating back to ancient civilisations such as egypt and babylon and such, look at those places today, and look at china today... the technology and change in china is evident.
Chinese people were using a paper based money system, and also had businesses, such as stores and restaurants, and respected royal families, and its neighbouring countries, when the westerners were still living in caves...
just to show that china has a history of supremacy and superpower in the world, and was highly respected by its indian and persian neighbours. and to distinguish it is only recently in the last few hundred years that china fell back due to monarchy and internal governing and other reasons.
there is a saying, "Empires rise and fall" as many societies today are basically no more, such as the babylon and egyptian and incas societies. But chinese society still thrives today in large urban cities, still with cultural heritage but a clear sign of advancement in technology, and an area which represents 1/3 of the worlds population, and estimated to have the largest modern cities by 2050.
It will enjoy a multiculture society such as the likes of Australia and America today. but the concentrated area will prosper like it always has for over 5000 years. and it will continue to prosper in future generatoins and many centuries to come.
It is safe to say that China has always been in the forefront of the world, it is only the recent few hundred years where the west caught up, but as china realises its turn back it will too catch up and reach even higher limits. And be at the front in technology like it always has for thousands of years.
India keep on having babies and non stop sex, ya.Deus said:But can india sustain such a population?
do they have things such as the one child thing like in china?
Yeah, nice jack. You know I could of said the same thing, but are you sure you can say the same thing if this really did happen?Not-That-Bright said:If your grandfather had raped my grandmother and family.. i wouldn't have any beef with you at all, and you telling me that you are sorry for what happened would be enough.
Berry, i am not a person that did it to the aboriginies either.
If you believe that this land is the property of the aboriginals than u have no right to claim it as ur own, chinese or european.. You think that when some aboriginals talk about taking back land and how we owe them all the land they're not including non-european immigrants?
China did commit some horrible acts in the past and so did ALL other nations in the world, hence the Japanese and Americans only talks about China's dark past and repeats it like having breakfast lunch and tea?I would add something to that, but I kinda got sick of getting flamed, so I'll abstain.
More relevant to the thread - Phanatical and Berry are very headstrong...I would like to point out that neithor of you stand for the Chinese population, nor, it seems, any other sector of the Chinese population but yourselves. Thus the generalisations you're making seem to have little factual basis.
China did commit some horrible acts in the past, there is no denying that. Of course that other nations including the UK etc did the same or similar does not make this any less wrong. The govt is actively making an effort to 'ni bu' its past wrongdoing - for example there are policies in place similar to what Aus has for ATSI (paying for the ethnic minority children to go to school, etc.). 56 ge ming ju, yi ge da jia ting.
I can do that with a 125mm gun, all you have to do is stick your @$$ up and I'll use the laser to guide the tank shell right up your @$$.Let me join this discussion as well .
Well , here is my opinion ;
- China can kiss my ass
Well did ther Chinese invade Australia?I do believe that the majority of chinese aren't like berry, i can't imagine them being like that it just seems against the general nature i feel most humans have.
I also find it interesting that berry wants all europeans to give the aboriginies back their land, yet he isn't willing to part with his own.. cuz u kno he's chinese, and like u kno that makes it heaps different..
I'm sure I know my history (approx.), but it's just that I don't recall the Chinese talking about human rights and go tortured anyone they like in Guantanamo Bay the next second (pretty much anyone. They say anyone is a terrorist, torture them and then because America is so nice, they're now not guilty although the US has no evidence.)oh my god. can anyone believe this person? I'm lost for words here. Well through you logic your guilty of some serious shit in the past. Civil wars, crimes against humanity, invasions (You think Australia has done worst things then China?? read a history book fool)
Lets make Berry580 pay and sacrifice things for all the families that have suffered under China's actions in the past because apparently we can pass responsibilty via race (All Chinese/Australians are guilty) but you are somehow exempt from any responsibility if you arrive later regardless of anything. Berry580, your living in this society, your using and taking advantage of the stolen land. If you think this society is guilty, then your guilty for being in it and arriving in it. It seems a little convenient for an arrival to say that really. If Australia is to say sorry or give back land to Aboriginals then you sure as hell will not be exempt from that.
I'm sure the US is doing a nice job, half the world goes protesting it's preparation in war with Iraq and they go torturing the Iraqi soldiers the next of course it has been its strength, china has been able to strictly control their people etc
The main problem for china is government corruption or if the people got tired of the communist government.
That majority are in China where the government controls all media. It has only become slightly more free with the advent of bloggers but China tries to remove them.Phanatical said:My beliefs are shared by the majority of the Chinese people, because they're right. It seems to me that YOUR beliefs are an abberation.
Maybe because Sydney is in the hands of private owners, and is not crown land.berry580 said:If the Australian government is willing to give a piece of land in the middle of nowhere to the aborigines because the Australian government 'recognises' the aborigines, then why can't the aborigines own Sydney?
The government is a giant liar, that's the answer.
So when you're 18 you will be saving to leave this country? If not it is your choice to remain.Berry580 said:You're wrong, I didn't have a choice, I was born here. But even if you somwhow manage to make it sounds like I am guilt, I'm ok with that, because justice never do its job right anyway. Who gives a sh!t.
Is this half the world including those that were paid off in oil by Iraqis?berry580 said:I'm sure the US is doing a nice job, half the world goes protesting it's preparation in war with Iraq and they go torturing the Iraqi soldiers the next second.
I'm very sure the Japanese has spread enough rumors to reverse this.Not-That-Bright said:Then why is it that the general population only knows about the dark past of america, britain not china?
Mate, you're drunk. It should be below 0.05, I don't want to see you in the news.Berry Berry Berry.......
What is your problem boooy ?
I thought that eveybody has a right to say what he/she thinks , am I wrong ? . I just mentioned what I've felt , what is wrong with this ? Are you chinese ? if you are chinese , why are you chinese ?!? what i am sayin' ???!..
Anway , just relax brother .....
LOL, you're right.People don't have a choice to be born to a great-great-great grandfather who did some nasty shit either, so they are hardly responsible. Your on the same boat as any other Australian. And my argument was that If we were to follow Your logic then you are guilty. but my argument was that your logic sucks so i am not saying you are guilty of anything really. So lets all have a big bowl of strawberry Ice-cream.
Comments?I think berry's comments in this thread just prove what a dumb person he really is.
I'm sure the aborigines wouldn't mind owning the land right under the Harbor Bridge, so the Australian government can demolish the Harbor Bridge for them, or WILL THEY?!! Will they??!!Maybe because Sydney is in the hands of private owners, and is not crown land.
Well if I was born here, then I probably belong here. But I wouldn't mind being a 'permanent tourist' of Australia since you can get the dole anyway... LOL (New Zealanders.... HAHAHA)So when you're 18 you will be saving to leave this country? If not it is your choice to remain.
So does China?!!He hasn't backed up his arguments well. He is simply pointing fingers at other countries and their past. If he wanted to discuss that, he should start a new thread, oh wait it has been discussed, and people didn't resort to "US violates war rights, but so does China so shut up".
Hard to prove an on going connection to the land in that case. Any Aboriginal alive today, will not have a connection to that land hence they are illegible for it.berry580 said:If not, can you specify please? (Don't let me get this right, he is going to go WAY off topic....)
I'm sure the aborigines wouldn't mind owning the land right under the Harbor Bridge, so the Australian government can demolish the Harbor Bridge for them, or WILL THEY?!! Will they??!!
I don't think so.....
They do have the right to point the finger, any person does. But you sidetrack threads to do it ignoring other issues.Berry580 said:You people was the first one who points at China, but it looks like some hypocrites thinks their country is crystal clear. China isn't innocent, but America and Europe ain't much better, but probably worse if you sum things up.
'Shut up'?!! LOL
Mate, it is the Americans and Japanese who has done pretty much ALL the finger pointing at China, and now the Chinese don't even have the right to do the same thing in return, aye?
Great human rights (atleast I haven't been tortured 'legally' yet, LOL).