just on the Taiwan not being a race of mainland china, have u ppl ever thought that the whole 'race' concept is our own making??? i mean we are all of one species, so in the end, we races are irrelevant.
re: the China/Taiwan issue... its a minefield of politics. China wants Taiwan as an island outpost, the first stage to gaining naval dominance in the pacific, which would give her leverage in regional affairs. The USA, doesnt like that. anyone ever visited
www.newamericancentury.org ? The taiwanese people (by that i mean ppl living in taiwan) have been inculcated to fear communist rule, and rightly so (we're damn corrupt, which is going to be the cause of the Commies fall anyway). In the end, it would be nice if china became a restricted democracy, united, then became a world superpower etc etc... but thats for dreamers and crazies. Real world policies is in ur face n up ur ass... so the issue is a lot harder to resolve.

just my 2c worth