Please change your attitude. Year 12 students are not superior to Year 11 students. Some Year 11 students can give advice based on their experience of each subject. Yes, they may have only done two weeks of the course in school, but they may also have received advice from brothers/sisters/cousins who have done physics, chemistry and/or economics. Some people also self-accelerate.dude this for 2010ers, 11ers have their forum located here: General Discussion on the Preliminary HSC - Bored of Studies
If you are going to post shit on subjects while only barely done 2 weeks of the Preml course gfto.
Don't be so quick to judge.
1) I didn't give advice on HSC course content in the quote. I gave my personal opinion based on my feelings for certain subjects. My opinion =/= advice on course content.I still struggle to believe how you can dish out advice on HSC course content considering you've never done them before, and considering you haven't even finished the Prelim course yet. Oh, and by the way, you never hear Year 11 kids referring to their year's worth of work as HSC. It's called Prelim. That's why the forums are called "General Discussion of the 2010 HSC" for Year 12, and "General Discussion of the Preliminary HSC". Not HSC. HSC is what some kids call the Prelim HSC to sound smarter and better, and to create a sense of superiority amongst their friends.
Don't argue semantics. It really does not make you look smart. At all.
2) I agree, arguing semantics does not make one appear smart. Please don't assume that was the point of the post. I was merely annoyed that someone told me to learn to read, so naturally I retaliated.
Note that this is not definitive advice. They are my opinions.You only do 11 units according to your signature. Did you do accelerated study? I would choose physics. The core chemistry module titles do not grab my attention like the biology, physics and senior science module titles do. I've looked at chemistry textbooks too and the content appears dull. Physics sounds interesting and not overly difficult (difficult, but doable). Economics would probably put me to sleep.
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