such a inspire story!

is good to hear someone story with the same situation as me. thx.
no worries. the hsc just looks at your ranks in the end. if you can prove to them you're better than your cohort you will be rewarded. just stay on top of everybody else, and kill the hsc in the end, you cant go wrong.
If you ever want to pursue a subject that your teacher does not show interest in, you can always get a tutor. In my opinion it is wrong for such a teacher to bag out a subject and discourage students from doing it, id be appalled and id either ask her not to or request another teacher.
It's their duty to hone the minds of the young and encourage them to seek out whichever road they choose. They should be objective and respect the decisions younger people make, they are nobody to make decisions for you just like nobody here is right to make ur decision for you.
I guess shit happens tho eh? thats just how life is, if you want to experience a bit of uni life imagine your teacher talking to 500 people at once and thats all you see of him/her, once or twice every semester and then you get a new teacher. Aside from their name you wont know anything else about them, until you read about them in like a book or a magazine and you realize how incredibly smart they are and their contribution. But do you necessarily take their words for granted? no, university does not teach you to accept what is being taught all the time, its about questioning things, why does this happen, why are u teaching me this, how do you know this? You are taught not to openly accept everything that is put in front of you at uni, and thats something you should apply to life also.
This is just a prime example of people who will always come and go in your life teaching you giving you advice here and there (including me). but in the end you shud follow your heart. dont let others dictate what you can and cant do, who are they to tell you what you can do?
No offence but your physics teacher doesn't know everything in physics sure she did uni and passed, but that does not mean she is fully capable of passing judgement. Just like everybody here. its all opinion, you will never know until you experience it for yourself. For all you know it could be the best thing that's happened to you, and someday you can be in my seat guiding someone else and telling them this story.
Also not to cliche but dont judge books by flicking through them. they look boring when you sift through them without understanding or comprehending anything, but once you understand it, it can be pretty amazing. It's like holding a gold bar without knowing its value, until you what it is, you'll just think its another piece of metallic junk.