Ki, your right..nicholas thigh-his are the way to go...deffinetly..
Nicholas if you make us watch a dvd...which i have never heard of them i will make you watch IMPERIUM. you might actually like..even love this movie..or at least one section..its about the Augustan Age and his princeps...actually everyone should watch this movie..basically after watching it in ancient, ages ago when we actually had time to watch movies and do work, now steph, ki and i have sources for our work for our phd(k, not an actual doctoret but still....something to do after our novel about Pylades) on virgil...or specifically virgil, horace and maecenas...
Btw ki, i really like the BBC version of p&p it was good...i have watched i like 3 times..although i am not as commited to the movie as say of the blondes..(the other)...i do enjoy Wuthering Heights BBC, it is a good movie..can't believe you don't like it...
i looked up the production ofThe Marriage of actually looks funny although, its and opera...but at least it is satirical...
BTW Ki...Hans Zimmer, has litteraly, as jane said, done music on every movie...Madagascar: the crate escape, is his latest movie which is comming out next year..he did POTCIII, King Arthur, black hawk down, and even riding in cars with boys, as well as gladiator...jane is soo right..he has done everything..