ToO LaZy ^*
tutorial from week 12 (thanks to Yvonne )
yah........ no worries~~~~~~~~~~ToO LaZy ^* said:tutorial from week 12 (thanks to Yvonne )
did Mark say anything about that???sarevok said:I have a strong hunch that it will be week 9..but I've written prepared answers to them all just in case..
he said they would give us a very hard qs from friends said it could be week6, coz it also includes TPA, implied terms, SOGA...etc...sarevok said:he didn't explicity say it would be week 9...but imo week 9 is the hardest tute, having to go into breach of k and frustration..and talk about recovery of deposit. it will either be that one or week 12 imo..but week 12 maybe a bit too easy.
i know its not hard, personally week 9 is much harder...but who knows........sarevok said:no way..week 6 isn't a multiple issue question, it only deals with implied terms by statute, that's one it's not hard, it's basically a reading comprehension question..i would be shocked if that's the one in the exam.
i think misrep is still in there..sarevok said:is mistake/misrepresentation examinable? iirc in the review lecture giuseppe said they weren't...i guess that rules out week 10 tute..