As for the Papua New Guniea vs Libya stuff, we should look at a few factorss: their lifestyle, their relative postions on the equator, What terrain is in each landscape. Think LAtterally dudes
AS for malkin86, your thinkin good, but the Libyans nvr migrated from anywhere, i don't think. It was a land occupied by various cultures : Carthage, Rome, Arabia, Morocco, Egypt, and Spain. They, like the phoenicians are a v. ancient people in the M.East, yet, they are not Black, as we would expect from a hot environment.
YOur UV approach was good, but know that Regions near the poles do get a lot of UV, evn before the ozone hole crisis. But eskimos and russians near Vladivostok and other regions in the north contain white inhabitants.
The south pole receives more UV than the entire equatorial region!!, (but the ice reflects this all into space, hence the land is cold there). Our Aussie scientists don't complain about any skin disorders or irritation. UV might be a factor, but always look at the lifestyle of the people in the region. I think this holds the key to the answer.