If two people are coming 1st then the two highest exam marks will be averaged and the two top students will recieve that for their internal assesment marks. For example, say the two number ones receive 94 and 88 for their exams. For their internal assesment mark, these two exam marks (assuming they are the highest exam marks in the class) are averaged ((94+88) divided by 2= 91). So they both receive 91 for their internal assesment marks and once these are averaged with their respective exam marks, so for their final HSC marks they will each recieve 92.5 (93) and 89.5 (90). I hope this is clear enough, and if their are any errors in what I've said, then by all means, somebody correct me! But, to answer your question- yes. essentially the same applies dor equal firsts, though the conditions I've described are imposed.