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comment on my ESSAY pls, (1 Viewer)


Oct 23, 2004
school's janitor's
heyya, im wondering if someone could give me a very critical comments on my essay? i need improving on essays. thnx!

this is about the Frontline episode : Add sex and stir.
question : What does this episode have to say about telling the truth?

Truth is defined as verified facts confirmed to reality and actuality. We watch and comprehend stories told by the media to our believe, when we don’t actually know if the stories are told truthfully or not. What lies behind the scene are not shown to us, let alone the actual truth.

This Parody version of frontline gives a well in depth view of the behind the scenes of the media. “ Add sex and stir “ is a perfect example of the satirical truth of the media, revealing to us the hidden facts and their immoral plots. From this episode, as we observe we can see how it tries conveying us the message of how the media is one whole team, that only for all sorts of immoral purposes such as power, fame/ratings, personal gain, and media ownership.

In this episode of Frontline, we witness the frontline team completely altering the truth of the story, and an indirect cheque-book journalism. Brooke, after finished interviewing one of the team member who was dropped out of the team, gave a token of their gratitude in a form of 2 tickets to Gold Coast. This shows the indirect cheque book journalism, followed on by scene of how she artificially nods infront of the camera. We are not told of what purpose this has, but we are certain that this will be used for future editing uses for the frontline team, creating false comments and bending the truth. Followed up, is one of the greatest symbolism for the concept of “ altering the truth “. Brooke’s “I might just change one question slightly “, was a very powerful quote contributing to the portrayal of “altering the truth”.

Prior to this interview, Brooke had been just on a discussion with Brian consolidating about the article that she has been doing. At first, we see the rather disagreement from Brian about the story, but as soon as Brooke mentioned that she had changed the story, into a girl’s lesso story, Brian had no objection of this article, and was actually even more excited about the story. This shows that the media does not tend to focus the story on women’s sport, but more to the sexual affairs of women in sporting, as Sex is just about most of the audience’s favorite topic. Hence, further implies that the media relates their articles to sex on a sole purpose to gain ratings from the audience.a

The concept of sex in the media, is then further implied with Marty and Emma's discussion. Marty, mentioning to Emma about the way to make a story popular and get what its aimed for. As he suggestively said to Emma, “ You take any story, add sex and stir “.

The image of the Media are also depicted as a parasites. This concept are brought up by the team captain of the team, accusing Brooke as a false reporter who bends the truth to the wrong direction. As the captain said it with anger “ you reported half of the story and beat up the rest!” Followed by “ I hope you liked your ratings, good bye parasites ! “.

Following this event, we can see how Mike has stood by Brooke, and gave her a comforting comments, such as how she didn’t deserve that kind of mockeries. But what actually mike had in mind earlier in the episode, suspicions of Brooke of changing the questions, which involves editing the shots. From here, Frontline has shown that someone in the media would actually stand up and defend the real truth, but it is ironic, that he is then distracted by a single phone call, which he priorities more than the real truth. This enforces the idea of how the media, would actually have a moral understanding of the ethics, but is overpowered by the desires of gaining ratings and power over the media.

Further criticism on Mike was also present in this episode, as he was portrayed again as the ironic unprofessional newsperson. His presence in burke's backyard clarifies the fact that he does not know anything about the news. This idea was further implemented when we see how he was asked question about the tribe issue he had recently reported it him self, we see him completely clueless of what he was doing and yet tried to defend his pride by throwing back questions that show the imperfections of burke him self, just like what burke did to him. This really satires the weakness of mike, as a professional looking person and well groomed newsperson.

The above examples from this satirises tells us the behind the scenes of the media, conveying “real truth” of what the media really is, but we should not forget, that this frontline, is also a media itself satirising the weakness of the actual media. Hence, truth can only be gained from your own witnessing of the event.

its kinda crap yeh... XD do u think i even qualify for advanced english?


Sep 4, 2004
it's not "crap", you obviously understand the issues that u need to know

my suggs:
- there's too much plot retell. you can cut a lot of it out
- not enough techniques. talk more about camera angles, other visual effects, satire, irony etc. and how they show misrepresentation of the truth
- you'll never have to, and will never have enough time to, write so much about one episode in the actual hsc. you only get 40 mins and you should write about 2 episodes and 2 pieces of related material so you'll only be able to write about 400 words max on 1 episode

but im assuming ur only in yr 11 so there's still plenty of time so there's nothing to worry about


Oct 23, 2004
school's janitor's

well yeah, this is for a homework from class, and she told us we must write 2 pages, and lol, i didn't know that she meant " hand written" , lol, so i happen to write as much as i could,

and, we didn't really talk about the camera angles in class, i dont really know why though,

but yeah~ i need to work with my techniques, its not really good.
how would u rate it out of 10?


Oct 23, 2004
school's janitor's
wow !! thnx so much! this'll really improve my essay technique. its because of people like you that this world has gone better :p~

and i'll be sure to work harder!

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