Commerce/Business differences (2 Viewers)


New Member
May 31, 2021
Sydney, NSW
Uni Grad
What really got my attention today is the fact that the “Business Leadership” unit I mentioned I’ll be doing next semester is actually connected to WSU’s MBA Leadership unit. I’m really hoping it gives me an idea of it might be like to study an MBA because that’s what I want to study after graduating and gaining some experience. I’ll probably do it at USyd though.

I actually had 4 days of uni last semester and I was working in a different job so it was a bit of a challenge to manage my time despite all my units being online at the time.

Just finished my first shift at Woolworths. It was good but a bit new because I never worked in retail haha.

How is HR? Are you finding the field fun?
This is wild, I totally have considered a MBA at USYD or the Masters in Labor Law! Haha. Let me know how you like that unit? It sounds interesting! I hope it makes the MBA look “fun”.

Was that four days a lot? It definitely sounds challenging. Are you going to try cut it down this semester? I know people who squeeze 3 in one day but I have found two good. I did 10-12 and 4-6 so I got a big break in between to study, get lunch, have a break and whatever. It was good and forced me to study at university in between.

What are you doing at Woolies? Retail is definitely a different ball game haha but you learn a lot of resilience!

Honestly I underestimated how much I would love it / how much work is involved in HR. I was working in legal admin roles before this (for about 5 years) and just wanted a change / more career growth. I definitely think HR isn’t for everyone but compared to what I did before it’s great. I love what we do, I love all the different career paths HR has, what we can do for a business and for the employee experience. I think it’s very rewarding!


Le Phénix Trilingue
Aug 22, 2019
Krak des Chevaliers
Uni Grad
This is wild, I totally have considered a MBA at USYD or the Masters in Labor Law! Haha. Let me know how you like that unit? It sounds interesting! I hope it makes the MBA look “fun”.

Was that four days a lot? It definitely sounds challenging. Are you going to try cut it down this semester? I know people who squeeze 3 in one day but I have found two good. I did 10-12 and 4-6 so I got a big break in between to study, get lunch, have a break and whatever. It was good and forced me to study at university in between.

What are you doing at Woolies? Retail is definitely a different ball game haha but you learn a lot of resilience!

Honestly I underestimated how much I would love it / how much work is involved in HR. I was working in legal admin roles before this (for about 5 years) and just wanted a change / more career growth. I definitely think HR isn’t for everyone but compared to what I did before it’s great. I love what we do, I love all the different career paths HR has, what we can do for a business and for the employee experience. I think it’s very rewarding!
Will do! I doubt masters are fun in general hahaha. Master of Labour Law? That sounds pretty interesting.

I was able to do 2 days this semester, but my Mondays were not great: I'd leave my house at 1pm and get back home at 8-9pm. Thursday is okay, got my EIR class from 11 to 1 and IHRM online from 6 to 8.

Worked at the cash register for my first shift, although my work will be in nightfill because that's my actual position. It was good, now I'm hoping nightfill is too haha.

It's so great to hear that you're loving HR! Makes me excited to finish my degree and finally start working in HR! :D


New Member
May 31, 2021
Sydney, NSW
Uni Grad
Will do! I doubt masters are fun in general hahaha. Master of Labour Law? That sounds pretty interesting.

I was able to do 2 days this semester, but my Mondays were not great: I'd leave my house at 1pm and get back home at 8-9pm. Thursday is okay, got my EIR class from 11 to 1 and IHRM online from 6 to 8.

Worked at the cash register for my first shift, although my work will be in nightfill because that's my actual position. It was good, now I'm hoping nightfill is too haha.

It's so great to hear that you're loving HR! Makes me excited to finish my degree and finally start working in HR! :D
yes it is this one! It is in the law faculty instead of HR but it seems interesting. Think I need more of a solid reason to drop almost 40k though than”it’s interesting” 😂

*tried to link the link but the site won’t let me ha*

My friend is in that EIR class on Thursday! I am on Tuesday 👀 that is so late though, I hope the timetable gods are good to you in Spring! Reward and Performance has a few options and so does Managing and Developing Careers (I think 8).

Nightfill will be way better (mine and my partners fams both work at woolies in many different capacities hahah) they say nights are the best, so much more relaxed and no customers.

I’m honestly so excited to finish and feel qualified! I really love my role but I think it will feel that little bit more great with a degree. If you ever have any questions about the job just let me know. I don’t have much experience but im happy to try help :)


Le Phénix Trilingue
Aug 22, 2019
Krak des Chevaliers
Uni Grad
yes it is this one! It is in the law faculty instead of HR but it seems interesting. Think I need more of a solid reason to drop almost 40k though than”it’s interesting” 😂

*tried to link the link but the site won’t let me ha*

My friend is in that EIR class on Thursday! I am on Tuesday 👀 that is so late though, I hope the timetable gods are good to you in Spring! Reward and Performance has a few options and so does Managing and Developing Careers (I think 8).

Nightfill will be way better (mine and my partners fams both work at woolies in many different capacities hahah) they say nights are the best, so much more relaxed and no customers.

I’m honestly so excited to finish and feel qualified! I really love my role but I think it will feel that little bit more great with a degree. If you ever have any questions about the job just let me know. I don’t have much experience but im happy to try help :)
Law faculty? I'm out. Enterprise Law alone killed me hahaha

You can put a space in the URL and paste it (or stick a word to it like you did in your first post). I believe it doesn't let you insert links because you have a low number of messages.

Ooh. I don't know most people in my class. I only know 5 people because all 6 of us were in the same group. But thanks! I know for sure that Business Leadership will be on Mondays from 6pm to 9pm so that will definitely be interesting, but I'm looking forward to MDC and RPM!

Yeah I definitely agree with their opinion and I'll be trying to have my shifts from 8-11pm as well because it's great to work when there isn't much pressure.

Thank you so much! I will definitely reach out to you if I'm ever in need of info! :D By the way, are you on LinkedIn? If so, is there a chance I could add you? I'm trying to expand my network hahaha


New Member
May 31, 2021
Sydney, NSW
Uni Grad
Law faculty? I'm out. Enterprise Law alone killed me hahaha

You can put a space in the URL and paste it (or stick a word to it like you did in your first post). I believe it doesn't let you insert links because you have a low number of messages.

Ooh. I don't know most people in my class. I only know 5 people because all 6 of us were in the same group. But thanks! I know for sure that Business Leadership will be on Mondays from 6pm to 9pm so that will definitely be interesting, but I'm looking forward to MDC and RPM!

Yeah I definitely agree with their opinion and I'll be trying to have my shifts from 8-11pm as well because it's great to work when there isn't much pressure.

Thank you so much! I will definitely reach out to you if I'm ever in need of info! :D By the way, are you on LinkedIn? If so, is there a chance I could add you? I'm trying to expand my network hahaha
Definitely let me know which classes you end up in for those two! Happy to be a friend also haha.

And I definitely do. If you can send me a message on here? I don’t think I can due to my low post count :) I think it’s part of one of our HR units to get LinkedIn up and looking snazzy anyway haha


Le Phénix Trilingue
Aug 22, 2019
Krak des Chevaliers
Uni Grad
Definitely let me know which classes you end up in for those two! Happy to be a friend also haha.

And I definitely do. If you can send me a message on here? I don’t think I can due to my low post count :) I think it’s part of one of our HR units to get LinkedIn up and looking snazzy anyway haha
Same here, looking forward to next sem!

Hahaha not only that, an MDC assessment is either partly or fully to do with LinkedIn. No worries I'll message you :)

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