Commerce UAI-cut off going up? (2 Viewers)

kini mini

Active Member
Sep 19, 2002
Originally posted by nerdd
ok this is a stupid question, but in commerce as a lot of asians do it (i have no problem against that - i'm asian too hehe) but i've heard people finding it annoying especially in group work.. when you don't get to choose your groups, or even when you do choose your groups, and you're left with people who are not very good in the english language. therefore possibly jeopardising marks in assignments?? is that true?
Yes - it's part of the reason my accounting presentation had problems last week. But on the other hand, group work is almost always a problem. Even groups of fluent English speakers have problems with teamwork - which is far and away the greatestt difficulty! For the next assignment, that has to be in the same group, we have to write an essay. We (rest of fluent speakers) will just write the damn thing and stick their names on.

Apart from accounting, I haven't received any other group assignments. From what I hear group work is pretty common though, you just have to live with it. One tip - organise yourself to be in a tutorial with friends because groups usually have to come from the same tutorial.

I do sympathise with people who don't speak fluent English, but if they jeopardise your mark you have to do something about it.


Jul 7, 2002
Uni Grad
Originally posted by nerdd
the ONLY diff is that with economics, you HAVE to do economics as one of your majors.. so ie. you can only choose one major. WHEREAS with commerce, you get to choose 2.
so really, it wouldn't be that bad to choose economics, go well in the first year (cause it's the same stuff as commerce degree anyway) and then transfer.
Actually, to be more specific, u can choose ur economics major in either Economics, Econometrics, Economic History of Financial Economics. And heh, that's what I'm actually doing (the 'doin economics then transferring' thing)

Originally posted by Da Monstar
and if ure already keen on doing econ as one of ur majors,then u dont even need to transfer.
also, with a BEc, u dont have as many majors to choose from for the 'other major'. for eg, actuarial or business statistics cant be done under the BEc degree.
Well, the equivalent major for Business Statistics is Econometrics in the BEc degree, which is a more specialised major. Basically the only major in Commerce that u can't do in Economics is Actuarial Studies

Originally posted by nerdd
and if it is the case, is it really that bad?
I mean, how often do commerce ppl get groupwork assignments?
It's not really bad, coz it depends who u choose in you're group, as kini mini said. You get group assignments in basically all subjects u do - I have group tasks in Accounting and International Business. The system that makes it fair is that u get a peer evaluation form, where each group member rates the performance of their other group members, and if theres a general consensus that one member didnt pull their weight, the tutor can adjust marks accordingly.

kini mini - your accounting presentation, what happened with the time limit!!


Asian people aren't the problem, they speak English pretty well. It's the international students who are fresh off the boat that I have trouble understanding. The thing is, some of my best and smartest groups have been because of the international students. I couldn't understand a thing they said but they wrote in very very good English.

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