Oh dear! Composers are a dying breed.
But I'm here! So... I'm doing three, one for core Mus 2 and two for Extension. They are as follows:
Core: Tango for trio (Clarinet, Cello, Piano)
Ext: String Quartet (very Sculthorpe... but somehow i managed to make it sound oriental - i have a massive habit of doing this

Ext: Piano Solo (its basically just a bit nuts, really...)
I desperately want in the con next year for composition.
Oh, just as a side note - was anyone at the conservatorium open academy day - the revision for music 2 kids in the holidays? There was TWO people doing extension comp. Lame. The rest of them were all performers. From the sounds of it all had got LMus at age 3.... but im deviating.
I'll post all of them (i dont know how ill do it, im not great with technology) in about a month, or sometime shortly after theyre due.