Hey guys so basically i have a test coming up soon based around the topic of Conflict in Europe in the time period of 1935-1945 and i was wondering how could i approach this Essay, It's an Inclass test split into two parts, this being Part B the extended response, using my own knowledge and the sources from the source analysis in Part A it wants me to answer the following question in Essay Format
"To what extent was the policy of appeasement responsible for the outbreak of war in Europe in 1939?"
Expected length is about 800 words completed in about 40 minutes
I was just wondering how can i approach this question, what should i cover in this? Could anyone link me to some notes relating to this topic and or the policy of appeasement!
Thanks a bunch

"To what extent was the policy of appeasement responsible for the outbreak of war in Europe in 1939?"
Expected length is about 800 words completed in about 40 minutes
I was just wondering how can i approach this question, what should i cover in this? Could anyone link me to some notes relating to this topic and or the policy of appeasement!
Thanks a bunch