Proud Aurion TRD owner
ambermorn said:Ok, some of you 08'ers are fucking retards, honestly. I'll bold some of the parts so you people can comprehend it, ok?
Marks. Count. More. Than. PRESTIGE!!!!
Fucking hell, I have to type out my story everytime I see posts like these because I hate seeing people bag UWS - WHICH IS ACCREDITTED TO OFFER THE DEGREE. FULL STOP. It is not a waste of a UAI!
What is a waste of a UAI is if you get into a uni and barely pass your courses! You may as well write your testamur on a piece of toilet paper and wipe it on your ass! I cannot stress this enough!!!!
The only reason people bag UWS is because it's a new university and it's in the western suburbs. Ridiculous. People should choose their uni based on the strengths of the school that the degree is associated with, not the brand name.
I CHOSE to go to UWS over other universities (Mac and UNCLE) as I preferred their degree and school of psychology over the others. I do not regret my decision whatsoever.
My sister did her undergrad at UWS too. Now, she has just finished first class honours at a different uni, has been given a scholarship to do her PhD, was offered two scholarships last year (one from USyd, which she turned down as it had CRAP FACILITIES FOR THE SCHOOL SHE WAS ASSOCIATED WITH) and has been academically published for the first time recently. She went to UWS and is now shitting all over Med Sci students all over Sydney. How did she become so successful? Her marks were awesome - she graduated with distinction. That's how.
You kids are a bit young to remember this, but once upon a time when Mac was a new uni, people bagged it just like they did with UWS - just because it was new. My parents met there, my dad now holds two Masters degrees. Prestige didn't stop them.
Now I have gotten the whole prestige debate out of the way, let me give a personal recommendation. I would not recommend the BA/M Teaching course at UWS, even though I study alongside these people everyday. Why? Because you don't get to do prac work until fourth year, and I think it's important students are exposed to the classroom ASAP. For this reason, I would recommend a uni that allows prac work in first year. I am aware that ACU does this, not sure where else.
However, UWS offers both primary and secondary education, unlike UNSW. Could be worth considering a Dip Ed as well as a Bachelor's in your chosen field? The best place to consult for advice is a careers counsellor, not BOS, because most of the people here talk absolute shit.
In summary: fucking 08'ers shut up with your uni advice until you attend uni yourselves. You seriously do not know shit.
Thank you and goodnight![]()
thats it girl you show them fools what uws is made of
uws is a really good uni you fools, if all that worries you in your future careers what fucking institution you graduated from then i suggest you shut the fuck up with your childish bullshit, you dont know how the fucking system works, thats why you all come out with some random crap and make fun of uws into a shit-hole and the like, but believe me, having knowing this from past experience, the uni you graduate from hardly counts, its a matter of how well you performed in the uni that gives the employer an impression of well you are fit for the job in terms of work performence, so please shut up about having uni competitions and comparing uni's in terms of prestige, you should only consider different unis in various circumstances such travel etc... you shouldnt only go for the prestige thats all im trying to say...