if you did advanced english, then i’d say your ATAR wasn’t affected by that (it was if you did standard or any level below, though)
as such, while a band 5 for music does sound really good, you should know that music scales really poorly just like every other CAPA subject - usually the breakeven point to not be affected by scaling is a mid-high band 6.
your other band 4s in modern, mm and hospo are also really poorly scaled as you got a band 4. the breakeven for modern is usually a mid-high band 5, whereas mm & hospo the breakeven and scaling is just like what i said for music.
tbh, a 62 ATAR is actually pretty good for the subjects and marks that you got - considering their reputation for being poorly scaled. i’m assuming you ranked top 5 for music?
either way, congrats on finally finishing! although your ATAR can be disappointing as opposed to your hard work put in, a few months from today you won’t even care about it at all.