Cops execute 7 year old girl (2 Viewers)


New Member
May 23, 2010
Time to counter the fascist attitude on this site.

It is yet another case of racist police violence resulting in a horrific tragedy. Early on the morning of May 16, seven-year-old Aiyana Jones was sleeping on a sofa, when she was fatally shot in the neck by a Detroit police officer during a raid on her home. Her father, 25-year-old Charles Jones, told The Detroit News that he was forced to lie down with his face in his daughter’s blood.

Aiyana Jones

Officers were supposedly searching for a murder suspect. They fired a flash-bang grenade through the front window and then stormed the family home. The family claims the grenade burned Aiyana.

Mertilla Jones, the grandmother of Aiyana said, "They blew my granddaughter's brains out. They killed her right before my eyes. I watched the lights go out of her eyes. I seen it."
Geoffrey Fieger, the attorney representing the family, has filed a lawsuit against the city of Detroit and the Detroit Police Department. The entire ordeal was caught on video tape, as A&E was on location filming an episode of "The First 48." However, A&E has not yet publicly released the video.

The shooting has gained the media spotlight. "Damn Detroit Police Department! You burned, shot and killed Aiyana Jones, a little seven-year-old girl," fashion designer Kimora Simmons writes on, an urban culture Web site.
So far, three details are being disputed. The first, which the Detroit Free Press reported based on information from anonymous police sources, is that the raid team did not know children might be in the home. Family members said there were toys in the front yard.

The second disputed detail is that police entered the home before Aiyana was shot. The family said police opened fire before entering the house. According to Fieger, the A&E video footage of the incident proves this.
The third disputed detail is that Joseph Weekley’s gun accidently went off following a struggle with Aiyana’s grandmother, 46-year-old Mertilla Jones. Jones said she did not have contact with the police and that they are lying.
Following the shooting, Jones was taken into custody. In a news conference, Fieger said, "When the officers attempted to come up with some type of explanation or cover-up or alibi for the shooting, they decided to blame Mertilla."

This is not the first incident involving a gun and children for Weekley. The Detroit News revealed that in a 2009 federal lawsuit he was accused of being part of a team that broke into a home, shot two dogs and pointed a pistol at children.
In an interview with Democracy Now!, Ron Scott, the founder of the Detroit Coalition Against Police Brutality, said these types of incidents have gotten worse in recent years with response teams conducting "military-style raids."
The death of Aiyana is yet another in a long line of murderous acts by racist police departments all across the country. Arrest Weekley and put him on trial for murder! Justice for Aiyana Jones and her family now!

The Execution of Aiyana Stanley-Jones, and the Urgency of Putting this Revolution and Its Leadership on the Map Detroit: Seven-year-old girl killed by police

cosmo kramer

Apr 29, 2010
Forever UNSW
Time to counter the fascist attitude on this site.
A man on a mission. Pathetic.

You reflexively ascribe the unfortunate death of this girl to "racism" without even considering the possibility that this was an incredibly stupid mistake. Point is, even if there was no malicious intent involved here (though I'm not ruling out the possibility..) black people, with their paranoid sympathizers in tow, are simply going to use this, like they do with any event of a similar nature to this, to further coccoon themselves in the idea that police officers in the United States are victimizing their community and pulling them over and locking them up for crimes they did not commit in every conceivable case, instead of facing up to the obvious reality that they are by and large disproportionately overrepresented in crime statistics for the sole reason that they commit far more crimes.

Get real. Incidents like this may be terrible, there is no massive conspiracy orchestrated by every level of the police force in the United States to specifically target and prey on innocent black people. Let's cut the fifth grade bullshit please.

The Detroit Police Department has one of the largest percentages of sworn black officers of any major city police department. Incidentally, reports and allegations of racism and discrimination against whites and other non-African backgrounds have surfaced, even between employees of the department. Currently, 12 of the department's 15 upper command members including the chief, assistant chief of operations, assistant chief of administration, and all six of the department's district commanders are black [7]
If there really is a problem of seering, visceral, racial animus in the United States, it is that of blacks resenting Whites, Asians and Mexicans -- rather than the other way round.
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New Member
May 23, 2010
Unfortunately, I don't have to get real. Reality is right before my eyes, and what I see, feel and knot together as logical conclussions is something which stands opposed to your racist views.

Color has nothing to do with one's behavior, attitude, or social position.

Perhaps you could stop insulting me, and summarize your points in a better way so that I can grasp them more easily? Because to me your points can be summarized in this way:
- It was a mistake.
- Blacks are part of a conspiracy against whites.
- Being black makes you a criminal.

cosmo kramer

Apr 29, 2010
Forever UNSW
More confusion.

Color has nothing to do with one's behavior, attitude, or social position.
Of course, colour. Maybe if the biological differentation of the human species involved only colour, then you would have a much stronger case. At any rate, I didn't even suggest that race has absolutely anything to do the disparities in crime rates between blacks and whites in the United States (though that doesn't mean I think it doesn't.) Whatever the causes are hardly changes the reality of the matter here.

It was a mistake.
even if there was no malicious intent involved here (though I'm not ruling out the possibility..)
Sounds like I'm absolutely certain that it was a mistake from that line, doesn't it?

- Blacks are part of a conspiracy against whites.

- Being black makes you a criminal.
Does it? Did I say this?

For one to be a revolutionary, one must be driven by emotions.
Indeed. I see you live up to your own mantra very well.
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New Member
May 23, 2010
Behavior is part of each human's individual life long process of socialisation, which has nothing to do with skin color, nor race.

Could it really have been a mistake? I mean, she was burnt by a flashbang, and then shot in the neck by an officer, who claims to have been struggling with the girls grandmother, and in the course of this struggle he accidently fired the shot, which accidently hit the girl right in the head?

Replying to my signature is a strawman.

cosmo kramer

Apr 29, 2010
Forever UNSW
Behavior is part of each human's individual life long process of socialisation, which has nothing to do with skin color, nor race.
The concept of the tabula rasa died a very long time ago in our actual understanding of human behavior. The only people who cling to it are egalitarians, liberals, leftists, religious conservatives and other cranks. Just a heads up here. Your mode of thought is horrendously out of date, though unfortunately still fashionable.

Could it really have been a mistake? I mean, she was burnt by a flashbang, and then shot in the neck by an officer, who claims to have been struggling with the girls grandmother, and in the course of this struggle he accidently fired the shot, which accidently hit the girl right in the head?

May have been. Might not have been. Further investigation will hopefully reveal the truth. Still, the inevitable ridiculous conclusions that will be drawn by blacks and their sympathizers will be predictable.

Replying to my signature is a strawman.
A strawman doesn't even mean that. A strawman argument is a purposeful or unpurposeful misrepresentation of another person's position then a refutation of that position. My response to your signature was unrelated, obviously, to the rest of the argument that we are having here.
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New Member
May 23, 2010
The concept of the tabula rasa died a very long time ago in our actual understanding of human behavior. The only people who cling to it are egalitarians, liberals, leftists, religious conservatives and other cranks. Just a heads up here. Your mode of thought is out of date.
Show me? The human character can be bend like a tasty stick of licorice.

May have been. Might not have been. Further investigation will hopefully reveal the truth. Still, the inevitable ridiculous conclusions that will be drawn by blacks and their sympathizers will be predictable.
Are you a racist now or not? Racism in the US exists. Why would one deny such a thing? To pick facts and construct some kind of world view which compliments with ones personal characteristics?


On The Road To Serfdom
Dec 2, 2009
"Time to counter the fascist attitude on this site"

I don't know why you are so bent on countering this 'fascist attitude' when some of the guys in your sig love fascism XD


New Member
May 23, 2010
"Time to counter the fascist attitude on this site"

I don't know why you are so bent on countering this 'fascist attitude' when some of the guys in your sig love fascism XD
I'll leave a message on your profile about this, but I can already tell you that it's not true.
And keep the off topic out of my thread.

cosmo kramer

Apr 29, 2010
Forever UNSW
Show me? The human character can be bend like a tasty stick of licorice.
"Show you"? Do your own homework, please. I'm seriously not about to dredge up a mountainload of popular science writings, meta-analyses and the papers of peer researched studies for an internet argument. And few on my side propose that human behavior is not to some extent malleable.

Are you a racist now or not? Racism in the US exists. Why would one deny such a thing? To pick facts and construct some kind of world view which compliments with ones personal characteristics?
When the hell did I say that racism didn't exist in the United States? In fact, I implictly said that it did in my first post. That has completely nothing to do with my argument.

Define racist please.


On The Road To Serfdom
Dec 2, 2009
I'll leave a message on your profile about this, but I can already tell you that it's not true.
And keep the off topic out of my thread.
yea no I'm gonna call you out

socialism/fascism no matter what brand whether it be Leninism or Marxism or Stalinism or Nazism of whatever fucking ism you want. it all ends up as history has told us a fucking inefficient, poverty stricken fucking totalitarian state.

so if you love freedom so much and hate fascism remove them those guys from your sig otherwise you're a shit cunt


New Member
May 23, 2010
"Show you"?
Yes, show me. Am I born a criminal?

Define racist please.
I'll skip this talky-talky and hand over the proof of your racism.
If there really is a problem of seering, visceral, racial animus in the United States, it is that of blacks resenting Whites, Asians and Mexicans -- rather than the other way round.
At any rate, I didn't even suggest that race has absolutely anything to do the disparities in crime rates between blacks and whites in the United States (though that doesn't mean I think it doesn't.)
Still, the inevitable ridiculous conclusions that will be drawn by blacks and their sympathizers will be predictable.

cosmo kramer

Apr 29, 2010
Forever UNSW
Yes, show me. Am I born a criminal?
You don't like to take into consideration everything other people say, do you?

I'll skip this talky-talky and hand over the proof of your racism.
You can't categorize certain statements as "racist" without actually defining it. Let's hear it -- because as it stands, "racist" is a protean and all purpose term that is essentially meaningless in many contexts.

If there really is a problem of seering, visceral, racial animus in the United States, it is that of blacks resenting Whites, Asians and Mexicans -- rather than the other way round.

So, to suggest that a certain people tend to hate another is racist? Does that make you a racist when you blather on about white racism towards blacks, then?

At any rate, I didn't even suggest that race has absolutely anything to do the disparities in crime rates between blacks and whites in the United States (though that doesn't mean I think it doesn't.)
That doesn't even say that I think it does...... (though I do; if that is actually classifiable as a racist attitude, who cares? Have I spontaneously combusted yet?)

Still, the inevitable ridiculous conclusions that will be drawn by blacks and their sympathizers will be predictable.
Why is that racist?

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Chemical Ali

지금은 소녀시대
Feb 22, 2006
I'll just leave this here...

What do you call a black abortion center?

Crime-stoppers of America


New Member
May 23, 2010
You can't categorize certain statements as "racist" without actually defining it. Let's hear it -- because it is a protean and all purpose term that is essentially meaningless in many contexts.

Racism is the systematic persecution and stereotyping of people according to their race. The source of modern racism is colonialism, the slave trade and imperialism and is most rampart in the “settler” countries – South Africa, the U.S., etc. While the english word was put into the written language in the United States in 1862 (around the time of the Civil War), the practice has been around since the creation of class society itself.

So, to suggest that a certain people tend to hate another is racist? Does that make you a racist when you blather on about white racism towards blacks, then?
I'm pointing out the fact that a certain white majority, that of the United States, in this case, is racist towards the black, weaker minority. Blacks form the main part of the poor urban population, which is why there is a higher crime rate amongst black colored people than whites. Economical inequality causes racism in those cases.

Black racism itself is an answer to white racism, and may not be seen as of the same nature, for whites form the majority in America and, of course, the government. And no, Obama is not an argument, the majority of blacks are workers.

That doesn't even say that I think it does...... (though I do; if that is actually classifiable as a racist attitude, who cares? Have I spontaneously combusted yet?)
Who cares? Is that the attitude of the intelligentsia towards racism? This needs no further explanation.

Why is that racist?
It's obvious, and you know that. I've had quite a few people like you before. However, this thread is not about you, but about this case and racism in general.

cosmo kramer

Apr 29, 2010
Forever UNSW
I will reply later. I have to go soon and feel that your response deserves a lengthy, thorough rebuttal rather than what I could crank out in the limited amount of time I have left online this morning.

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