Cops execute 7 year old girl (2 Viewers)

cosmo kramer

Apr 29, 2010
Forever UNSW
Oh, so you want me to just admit that you're right without laying forth my argument explaining why you're wrong -- or misrepresenting my position up the arse.


Writing it out will take an extremely long time (I like to be very thorough; directly the opposite of yourself) so I will respond later tomorrow. I have to go soon.
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Mar 16, 2008
cosmo kramer said:
They really do like to report on this stuff a lot!

It's an absurd over-simplification to attempt to imbue the elite (or at least in this case, the elite that runs the press) with a ridiculous, monolithic quality for the purposes of suggesting that they have a motivation to engender racism to divide the working classes to prevent them from uniting and overthrowing them (hilarious). Of course, if that is what they are attempting to achieve, why do they seemingly fill their papers with stories like the aforementioned? For every Andrew Bolt, who doesn't even talk about racial-differences, there's another band of pundits and reporters who bludgeon white people over the head with tales of wicked racism and implicitly suggest that we're all intrinsically bigotted. The American media is much, much worse. It makes you wonder why your proposal about the nature of the elite and thus the media, only applies, and weakly, in a handful of cases, but overrall not really.
The question is, why wouldn't they pursue a racist agenda? Overtly, they appear to be anti-racist so as to avoid direct criticism that they aren't. On a more subtle level, the anti-multicultural and outright racist (in the case of refugees) diatribe is clearly evident to the trained eye and free thinker. All this inane rhetoric on refugees appeals to the deep-seated racism within Australian society. It's not about provoking anti-<insert minority group here> violence or whatever, it's about instilling a fear of Islam, a fear of refugees and a fear that the "Aussie way of life' (whatever the fuck that is) is being threatened. This mindset is what justifies increasingly right-wing Australian governments to unethically lock up children in the middle of a desert.

In my eyes, we're all working class in comparison to the mega rich who, not unlike parasites, steal the wealth generated by our labour. The ideology of the media (owned and controlled by the wealthy elite) will uphold any agenda that benefits the bourgeoisie. Once you begin to gain a class consciousness, you will realise the stranglehold they have on us. And their biggest tool is not the media itself, but the deluded, apathetic masses.

cosmo kramer

Apr 29, 2010
Forever UNSW
lol with the three tiered system honestly for many company's anywhere replace blacks with any race. Scott Adams in his show Dilbert and his comic strip satirises just how inefficient, lazy and stupid managers and executives are in many companies. this isn't a race problem no matter how much u want it to be.
Alright, so let me get this straight: the crux of your argument is basically "There are a lot of stupid and lazy managers out there (which nobody is denying), so therefore, on average, blacks selected by positive discrimination will tend not to be less competent than whites or anybody else who have not been selected by positive discrimination." What? While the creators and supporters of positive discrimination programs will claim otherwise, people who have been positively discriminated tend to, simply, be of much lower competency than their non-positively discriminated peers. This makes itself clearly manifest in managerial positions in South Africa, but if you think that all managers are incompetent anyway (or there is no such thing as degrees of incompetence), this phenomenon isn't just restricted to the world of management.

In the United States, for instance, nationwide enthusiasm for teacher competency examinations resulted in testing for teachers in nearly all states by the end of the 1980s. These tests really just involve a series of batteries evaluating basic knowledge, reading ability and mathematics. It is important to note that these tests have an extremely low cut-off rate; teachers who score in the 20th or even the 10th percentile pass. Even despite this extremely low cut-off rate, there is a sharp disparity between Black teachers and White teachers in overall pass rates. 83% of White teachers passed the test in the state of New York in 1987, in comparison to only 36% of Black teachers. In Georgia, between 1978 and 1986, 87% of all white teachers passed the basic competency examinations, while only 40% of Black teachers passed them. The standard deviation difference between the two groups in these tests usually eerily matches up with the standard deviation in general intelligence scores, usually hoevering around a 1.0 to 1.2 difference. In tradie fields like plumbing on the job competency rates are measured with standard deviation differences between the two groups on several measures around .6 to .9. All of these differences greatly indicate that it is not just a lack of opportunity that is disadvanting blacks, as those that are the recipient of affirmative action assistance are in no way disadvantaged or lack opportunity.

It is also indeed true that the recipients of affirmative action assistance tend not to be the most disadvantaged members of the black community at all. Very often they are middle to upper middle class blacks derived from highly educated and socioecomically privileged backgrounds. These graphs tend to say it all:

Black children with household incomes in excess of seventy thousand dollars a year do equally well on the SAT and in school as white children with household incomes of about fifteen thousand dollars a year. Black children, with parents who hold elaborate teritary educations and advanced degrees, do equally well on the SAT and in school as white children with parents who only hold high school diplomas. It is not as if these black parents do not 'value education'; they certainly do, and typically have high aspirations for their offspring. The reason why this actually occurs is likely a result of two distinct factors; affirmative action allows much less intelligent people to attain diplomas and high incomes, and the second is a complicated statistical and biological phenomeon that I will not get into here. But it is the children of these highly educated and intelligent parents that very often receive positive discrimination leg-ups; and very often at the expense of disadvantaged whites.

And of course, in South Africa, compared to the United States, the situation is even more extreme in terms of positive discrimination. This is directly a result of Africans controlling political power in that country.

all this violence and rape etc is because south Africa is pretty much one giant ghetto of (and i can't stress this enough) uneducated people.
As time continues to go by, and as more and more blacks are enrolled in higher-education and primary and secondary educational instituions in South Africa, we will actually see just how much 'education' is really going to work for the Blacks in that country. Doing well in school and thus becoming 'better educated' is the result of factors both biological and environmental. The percentages of how much each contribute depends upon the surroundings. I do not at all doubt that in a more suitable environment, say, that of the United States, blacks tend to do better than they do in Africa. This is in a way partially a result of the fact that the United States is sort of a gargantuan 'home environment' supervised by a white population that sort of serves as parents. This is the problem of the virtuous cycle; environmental improvement and thus enhancement of educational ability and achievement requires a sufficient starting level of population intelligence in the first place to even come about. As whites continue to pour out of South Africa en-masse, Blacks will be left to their own devices, and thus, the possibility of the virtuous cycle coming into effect will evaporate.

this isn't just a problem for black people, in America and even in Australia you will find white communities of people who are uneducated and have no incentive to learn or aren't encouraged to.
You do, and it is completely expected that this would occur. You hopelessly misunderstand (or don't understand at all) distribution and basic statistics. But as I already addressed with Muzk, differences in distribution of socioeconomic variables like poverty and high-school drop out rates only explain a fraction of the variance of criminality rates between the three major population groups. There is a three-way gradient in rates of criminal behavior between Orientals, Blacks and Whites that persist greatly even after controlling for socioeconomic variables. Biological suggestions for why this is have been well-discussed, but are still presently tentative.

your belief that all black people as a race are naturally dummer then whites is so stupid and based on nothing.
It is? My belief is based on the heriditarian positions put forward by the scholars that discuss it within the literature. They are extensive, serious arguments, buttressed by a plentiful amount of empirical evidence and posited by scholars that are highly respected within their fields. Your arguments seem to be based on misinterpretations, misunderstandings.. and Dilbert.

he never said he wasnt a racist,
I am a racist if it means that I believe that there are fundamental differences in the capacity of different human biological groups to maintain and create civilizations. I am a racist if it means I believe that there are fundamental biological differences between human groups that have powerful influences on a host of traits that human beings possess. And I do not at all care if I am to wear this label.
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cosmo kramer

Apr 29, 2010
Forever UNSW
i don't dislike it if that's what you want me to say

obviously i consider it as an ethical system inappropriate for white people and westerners on the basis of its content and historical associations but i don't particularly dislike it

i don't want moslems here at all and we should not be importing those that practice it

eitherway the moslems can do as they wish in the islamic world; i am not at all interested in attempting to spread western ethical systems or democracy to them and do not care at all how they choose to treat their own citizens


Just Bee Yourself 🐝
Nov 26, 2008
obvs the problem is statism not racism



Apr 21, 2010
Cosmo Kramer you make some excellent points and your logic is irrefutable. I believe that scuba_steve 2118 is just having a knee jerk reaction to the idea that racial differences exist (one of them being intelligence), and it is clear he believes any difference between races is untolerable ethically speaking and so is attempting to put the blame on education, which even though is demonstrably false, he can do comfortably because he has the support of other weak minded people who share his views, ie, he can put forward such bizarre notions because he finds security in the fact that the majority share his opinion.

BTW are you acquainted with the work of charles murray called: "The Bell Curve"


On The Road To Serfdom
Dec 2, 2009
Cosmo Kramer you make some excellent points and your logic is irrefutable. I believe that scuba_steve 2118 is just having a knee jerk reaction to the idea that racial differences exist (one of them being intelligence), and it is clear he believes any difference between races is untolerable ethically speaking and so is attempting to put the blame on education, which even though is demonstrably false, he can do comfortably because he has the support of other weak minded people who share his views, ie, he can put forward such bizarre notions because he finds security in the fact that the majority share his opinion.

BTW are you acquainted with the work of charles murray called: "The Bell Curve"
mate I'm as fucking racist as the next guy. in a perfect world i would have everybody white but that is not the issue

every race has the capacity to learn and be as academically intelligent as the next person.

it is purely up bringing and how good the education system is, not race.

take a blacky let him have a good up bringing, in an upper middle class family, in a good suburb, with a loving and supportive family and he will be as smart as a white person in the same circumstances

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