This ^^^^ I though a cost centre is a department within the business established specifically to administer costs and determine strategies to reduce them within each specific function, no?
I had this same problem, you should refer to your textbook or this for further clarification. Cost centres are commonly involved in questions involving profitability management and in that regard cost centres arent used to reduce costs, rather, a business will undertake the identification of cost centres within their functions. By identifying and subsequently attributing costs to cost centres, management can then decide which cost centres are operating at too high an expense and make changes to reduce costs (outsourcing, downsizing, etc..).^^ I though a cost centre is a department within the business established specifically to administer costs and determine strategies to reduce them within each specific function, no?
This. In terms of profitability management, financial managers will gather data in relation to what functions of the business are eating up too much of its precious funding (and thus eating into net profits) and since cost-centres aren't fundamental to the profitability or direct growth of the business, they can attribute the high costs of the business' activities to these cost-centres and then remedy the issue through downsizing, outsourcing the total cost-centre function either domestically or internationally (normally internally cause it's cheaper) or removing the cost-centre completely from the business (which would be a breach of its corporate social responsibility - making jobs redundant and all). This is a form of expense minimisation.I had this same problem, you should refer to your textbook or this for further clarification. Cost centres are commonly involved in questions involving profitability management and in that regard cost centres arent used to reduce costs, rather, a business will undertake the identification of cost centres within their functions. By identifying and subsequently attributing costs to cost centres, management can then decide which cost centres are operating at too high an expense and make changes to reduce costs (outsourcing, downsizing, etc..).