Hey I havent been doing consistent study throughout the year and Im currently planning on learning content from Biology and Business Studies atm from the first topic to the last topic. I havent made notes on most topics for those two subjects so far and my trials are 4 weeks from now.
1. Would i have enough time to fully understand and memorise all the content before trials?
2. how many hours does it take to make notes on one topic ? (for Business or Bio)
3. Also, could i just print someone else's notes and understand and memorise content from that?
4. Is 30 pages for one topic too much?
1) For sure
2) Took me ages I did it in the holidays for bio (whole course in the summer holidays) but I bludged heaps while doing it
3) Yeah I did this for physics because in my perspective I was like, I'm just gonna be rewriting notes I find online anyway, how was I gonna reword stuff about relativity or superconductors. For biology yeah I used some people's notes I found online/from friends and SOMETIMES checked the textbook if I was still confused, and made my own notes - because I felt like the subject wasn't a lot of memorising but more understanding how stuff worked since it was applicable to real life easily. It's your choice but I feel like memorising people's notes that did well, does work, IF you understand the content from reading it (not just memorising it).
4) No but to write 30 pages each topic AND memorise it all AND practice in 4 weeks it might not be much time.
My school had 3 sets of trials and I kept bludging between each one, so I had to semi-cram. Here's what worked (FOR ME):
- Learning the content in depth >>>>> doing past papers (for bio and phys I didn't really do past papers for trials just learnt content)
- Printing syllabus and highlighting dot points I 100% knew then went and learnt the ones I didn't, using notes
- Maths I still think content is important but you only listed business studies and biology, but in my opinion maths you still need a good understanding of the content or else once a trick question comes you're stuck
Even for the physics HSC my plan was learn content -> papers -> learn content again 1-2 days before, so I did 10 papers approximately and 1-2 days before I kept procrastinating learning the content again... so I didn't get much sleep and had to skip out on marking the 10 papers (aka they were useless), but since I learnt the content really well and the exam was still fine

personally think it's better to have a shot at every question by knowing the content rather than memorising past papers.
If you want high 90s, you need to go into depth.