Meh... had about 3 hours sleep, covered most of New Kingdom Egypt (skipped the questions they asked last year... so i hope to god they dont ask about military campaigns... anything else in the "internal developments" would be a heaven send)
Hatshepsut is a lovely lovely bullshit section. I definately wont get full marks, but its not as content heavy as NKE.
As for Pompeii and Herculaneum and Minoan Crete, I'll spend the next 2 hours cramming for them. Again... I may not get full marks, but I'm selective with the content... Its quite easy to elaborate on one piece of minoan evidence... or not :S
If I can get over 85%, then I won't feel guilty for not having done an all nighter.
Damn... reading over my post shows how a lack of sleep causes me to ramble.