... omg... i think i screwed up. ok here's the background of my school
1) we had an "excellent new sytem" on trial at our school so that each term u have a new course!(the school dumper this approach after a lowing in hsc scores... mine was the last year taught liek this)
2) the excellent new system meant no teacher took the time to teach us basics, hence we ended up doing comprehension from year 7-10
3)at the start of year 11 we had to teach ourselves to do essays
4) nothing else was taught
i got in there and went "wtf is a reflection!?!!" (as did 4/6 of my class mates... two came from other schools... btw my grade is remarkable small in the 3 unit areas... the other years have full classes... ours was just a dud).
anyways... i thought "hmm... i have to talk about conventions so i'll do a birdboot (from the real inspector hound) being shitted at his portrayal in the play... saying taht he deserved far better than the role he was... but sorta spoken to stopard... like a sorta one sided conversation... or a rant if u will.
eg. "This is outrageous! This is a mockery of the theatre! How dare u incinuate i am not faithful to my beloved wife, Myrtle!?! Tom Stopard! u have a lot of explaining to do!" etc.
basically he had a rant about how his character shouldn't be portrayed like taht cos its unfair and not true (but in getting into character i kept having him sorta be lead off in though with lots of "cynthia, my beautiful cynthia! how dare u slander her name" etc).
then i went on to talk about how the exagerations were ridiculous and stuff... it was very colloquial, but written like someone who thinks they are important, who is outraged, and tries to use big words to show his intelligence! it was a blast to write! after spending 1hr 35 on my essay i had to rush out 5 pages of the rant but now i think i am very wrong!!! do u think i'll get marks for originality? i sorta showed conventions but only really touched on them... i was thinking maybe 70%... but now i'm thinking 50-60%... what do u guys think? at least its a different approach... it is s'posed to be creative. i dun think it was exicuted that well... i guess i'll only be marked outa 20 instantaneously for the wrong type of writting. >< god dammit. my essay wasn't even well structured! it was a big rambling mess of a paper... but its done!!!!!!! besides... my creatives always suck ballz