
Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2011
Calabi Yau Manifold
Hey Folks!

I am a creative writing wizard. HSC 2013 atar 94.55, no formal qualifications, only wizardry. My experience is writing novels and winning poetry contests from age 12. Cbf finding awards and posting images here, I can only show you via chat what I can do ^^

HSC english mark 84 cos essays. Did not like/10

but creative writing muh forte.

If you like what you see and are interested, I am offering tutoring via Skype or Meetup or just generally via internet.

Payment is 15 dollars for a fully deconstructed and analysed story with every piece of magic literary kit you can think of to help you create a 16/15 story , every time.

Free discussion of my feedback over Skype/Meetup/Chat if you so desire.

If your story is already approx 14/15 I will not charge you, I will simply show you how to touch it up for maximum score. And if ur 15/15 already then no reason to write to me :)

I can do half your story to show you my style of feedback and work, and if u like it then you can pay and I finish for you, if not you can walk away with half for free, no problems :)

Sample of what I write like:

He was in their world. The Arab world. There were no cushy rules for the minorities like in the west. He’d heard stories of backpackers getting captured and sold as drug mules, resistance fighters and sex slaves. He had no illusions, the arab criminal underground was a terrifying place, and death was but a small misstep away to all those who found themselves thrust into the limelight of its perverse, pathological and barbaric network. Should he trust the boy? Was trust even more important than survival? Michael was desperately thirsty, and could not take it any longer. If it was to be his last day of life as he knew it, it would be the day in which he took dismissed all his fears and took a leap into the universal belief of a human compassion for your fellow man.
He bowed to the little boy graciously before gently taking the water bottle and unscrewing the cap. He let the icy water softly run down his throat, cooling and hydrating him from the inside. It was the sweetest and most glorious refreshment he’d ever experienced. The boy, visibly pleased, smiled, revealing a row of brilliant white teeth. He gestured to come with him, and took Michael by the arm before pulling him into the smelly swarm of people. Michael closed his eyes. He was in so much pain he could barely stand, and his nose was overwhelmed by the feral stench of soaking, sweaty bodies, but in only a moment they stopped walking. The boy tugged on a pearl white robe that seemed to flow like a river in all directions. Michael looked up and saw the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. She had silky, chocolate brown hair, a full, womanly figure and soft, angelic features on her flawless face. She smiled, and her smile was just as brilliant as the boys. He guessed it was his mother, and by the looks of it she was a noblewoman.
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May 22, 2015
No offense, but this is a very shitty add. You could atleast give us your qualifications, like idk, your hsc english marks ? Uni achievements ? Experience ? And a sample response of what you write ? - for all we know you could've got that off somewhere...
Just try to be a littlebit more professional.


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2011
Calabi Yau Manifold
No offense, but this is a very shitty add. You could atleast give us your qualifications, like idk, your hsc english marks ? Uni achievements ? Experience ? And a sample response of what you write ? - for all we know you could've got that off somewhere...
Just try to be a littlebit more professional.
Shitty ad? Lol why?

And bump some more


May 22, 2015
Shitty ad? Lol why?

And bump some more
Did you even read my post ?! It's shitty because you don't tell us anything of your qualifications and all you give is a sample which you could've ripped of from somewhere, so it's no good.
Now not sure if trolling...


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2011
Calabi Yau Manifold
Did you even read my post ?! It's shitty because you don't tell us anything of your qualifications and all you give is a sample which you could've ripped of from somewhere, so it's no good.
Now not sure if trolling...

I clearly said, if you want proof simply ask for it.

That should be obvious enough, I am even offering half a piece for free to show you that I am wizard level writer, and if you dont like you can walk away.

You have literally nothing to lose and everything to gain, how can u still think its a troll?

You get to see for free what I can provide for half your piece. If I ripped my sample off somewhere then you will clearly see that. You are illogical right now lol.


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2011
Calabi Yau Manifold
Y everyone so suspicious lol, dont understand. You have a right to be suspicious if I say MONEY FIRST SAMPLE AND EVERYTHING ELSE LATER, but im giving you opportunity to see what I can do for you before you decide whether or not you want to pay me. Its virtually zero effort on your part to send me something and then wait for a reply.
I didnt think i'd have to explain this haha XD
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May 22, 2015

I clearly said, if you want proof simply ask for it.

That should be obvious enough, I am even offering half a piece for free to show you that I am wizard level writer, and if you dont like you can walk away.

You have literally nothing to lose and everything to gain, how can u still think its a troll?

You get to see for free what I can provide for half your piece. If I ripped my sample off somewhere then you will clearly see that. You are illogical right now lol.
Just read your ad again and saw the English marks etc. so you did give qualifications my bad.
But first of all, there is no such thing as a deal where you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Marketing is much more than logic.
You expect people to go out of their way just to verify that you are who you say you are ?
Not to mention you sound dodgy as a whole. You cbf to find awards? Heaps dedicated there mate. And for a creative writer you sure use some creative lamguage like 'muh forte'. Really? This is an Ad, not a meme.


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2011
Calabi Yau Manifold
Just read your ad again and saw the English marks etc. so you did give qualifications my bad.
But first of all, there is no such thing as a deal where you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Marketing is much more than logic.
You expect people to go out of their way just to verify that you are who you say you are ?
Not to mention you sound dodgy as a whole. You cbf to find awards? Heaps dedicated there mate. And for a creative writer you sure use some creative lamguage like 'muh forte'. Really? This is an Ad, not a meme.
Wrong my friend. Looks like you dont know about the jews. Thats how they destroyed competition in business circles. Amongst many other techniques they offer a sizeable quantity of sample product for free, which noone else is willing to do, and so everyone comes to the jews and even if they get some losses from giving a free piece to everyone they gain all of it back and a lot of profit because, idk, EVERYONE is coming to them? lol

Not just jews though dude, samples by their very nature offer something for free? holy shit do I really have to break it down for u? lol omg

Taking a sample of food from a bakery for example. YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE, AND ONLY A TASTY MORSEL TO GAIN. and if u like it then obviously you buy it. Wot.

"People to go out of their way"? Your laziness must be of absolutely epic proportions. Why am I even explaining myself lol. What relevance is it to what I can provide anyway, who I am?

YOu have a piece here of what I can do. If you believe Its not mine then all u need to do is send me something of yours and I show you that it is indeed my style.

I am providing a very high quality service, and the opportunity to ttry it before u buy it. What else is relevant?


Cole World
Jun 14, 2014
Just read your ad again and saw the English marks etc. so you did give qualifications my bad.
But first of all, there is no such thing as a deal where you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Marketing is much more than logic.
You expect people to go out of their way just to verify that you are who you say you are ?
Not to mention you sound dodgy as a whole. You cbf to find awards? Heaps dedicated there mate. And for a creative writer you sure use some creative lamguage like 'muh forte'. Really? This is an Ad, not a meme.
why are you so hung up on this lel


May 22, 2015
Wrong my friend. Looks like you dont know about the jews. Thats how they destroyed competition in business circles. Amongst many other techniques they offer a sizeable quantity of sample product for free, which noone else is willing to do, and so everyone comes to the jews and even if they get some losses from giving a free piece to everyone they gain all of it back and a lot of profit because, idk, EVERYONE is coming to them? lol

Not just jews though dude, samples by their very nature offer something for free? holy shit do I really have to break it down for u? lol omg

Taking a sample of food from a bakery for example. YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE, AND ONLY A TASTY MORSEL TO GAIN. and if u like it then obviously you buy it. Wot.

"People to go out of their way"? Your laziness must be of absolutely epic proportions. Why am I even explaining myself lol. What relevance is it to what I can provide anyway, who I am?

YOu have a piece here of what I can do. If you believe Its not mine then all u need to do is send me something of yours and I show you that it is indeed my style.

I am providing a very high quality service, and the opportunity to ttry it before u buy it. What else is relevant?
Oh really you think it's that simple? Then tell me why when Mad Mex gives out free churros there isn't a 1 km line of people lining up for this 'nothing to lose' deal.
You do have something to lose, time. You might think it lazy, you might not think much of it but people hate wasting their time on things that could potentially be useless to them even if they aren't. You put up an ad saying I'm a creative wizard, send me your stories and I'll prove it. Now I'm not arguing that your idea is shit, the idea is pretty good actually. But what isn't is the ad itself. If you really want to help others for whatever reason, you have to go out of your way to convince them why they should take you seriously in the first place, not expect them to take you seriously and try you out because they have 'nothing to lose'.
The Jews understand this and go out of their way to convince people of what they can do. That is why they succeed.
You however will not.


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2011
Calabi Yau Manifold
Oh really you think it's that simple? Then tell me why when Mad Mex gives out free churros there isn't a 1 km line of people lining up for this 'nothing to lose' deal.
You do have something to lose, time. You might think it lazy, you might not think much of it but people hate wasting their time on things that could potentially be useless to them even if they aren't. You put up an ad saying I'm a creative wizard, send me your stories and I'll prove it. Now I'm not arguing that your idea is shit, the idea is pretty good actually. But what isn't is the ad itself. If you really want to help others for whatever reason, you have to go out of your way to convince them why they should take you seriously in the first place, not expect them to take you seriously and try you out because they have 'nothing to lose'.
The Jews understand this and go out of their way to convince people of what they can do. That is why they succeed.
You however will not.
I dont think, I know its that simple. You dont *grasp* le concept.


You lose time? YOU LOSE TIME? holy shit you utter lazy peasant. Click NEW MESSAGE click ATTACH click SEND

If u call that wasted time then clearly your SHITS must be taking out wayy too much time out of your life. HOly fuck.

I didnt intend for it to be a professional ad, that should have been obvious from the very beginning, so I cant understand why you are trying to convince me to make it as such. I know the purpose my ad serves, thats precisely the purpose I intended it to. If you dont like it, tough shit lol, other ppl do. Noone cares for pedantics here.

Lol @ how u tried to be smartass with jews comment. dont think u understood that either. Dont think u understand anything tbh.



Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2011
Calabi Yau Manifold
Note to everyone: Your loss. The kids ive tutored have gotten dux of their school, medals and awards of every sort for english and OUTSTANDING STUDENT types, and blown everyones minds at their schools with their writing. If honestly noone here is interested in getting the same kind of god-like status with your english faculty, all I can do is say LOL YOUR LOSS BRO



Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2011
Calabi Yau Manifold

1. Use the time of a total stranger in such a way that he or she will not feel the time was wasted.

2. Give the reader at least one character he or she can root for.

3. Every character should want something, even if it is only a glass of water.

4. Every sentence must do one of two things — reveal character or advance the action.

5. Start as close to the end as possible.

6. Be a Sadist. No matter how sweet and innocent your leading characters, make awful things happen to them-in order that the reader may see what they are made of.

7. Write to please just one person. If you open a window and make love to the world, so to speak, your story will get pneumonia.

8. Give your readers as much information as possible as soon as possible. To hell with suspense. Readers should have such complete understanding of what is going on, where and why, that they could finish the story themselves, should cockroaches eat the last few pages.

--Kurt Vonnegut


May 22, 2015
I dont think, I know its that simple. You dont *grasp* le concept.


You lose time? YOU LOSE TIME? holy shit you utter lazy peasant. Click NEW MESSAGE click ATTACH click SEND

If u call that wasted time then clearly your SHITS must be taking out wayy too much time out of your life. HOly fuck.

I didnt intend for it to be a professional ad, that should have been obvious from the very beginning, so I cant understand why you are trying to convince me to make it as such. I know the purpose my ad serves, thats precisely the purpose I intended it to. If you dont like it, tough shit lol, other ppl do. Noone cares for pedantics here.

Lol @ how u tried to be smartass with jews comment. dont think u understood that either. Dont think u understand anything tbh.

Yeah, that's right you lose time. Same logic goes with those annoying win a free Ipad popups. No one cares about them, even if they have 'nothing' to lose and everything to gain. Ads are supposed to convince people they need your services, not convince them that they should go out of their way to become convinced that they need your services.

Hold it. The point of an Ad is to appeal to as many people as possible, not just some. I'm basically saying your 'try me or your loss' approach isn't good because there are ways that are better. But yes you are right in that it's just what I think and maybe you know better or maybe you want your Ad to do something else altogether. But maybe I'm right, and because I think I am, and you disagree, I want to hear what you have to say. Telling me 'tough shit' is like saying 'if you disagree with me, I don't care, get lost'. If you really mean that, fine then, I won't bother with this. But I enjoy our little talks, so why not continue?


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2011
Calabi Yau Manifold
Yeah, that's right you lose time. Same logic goes with those annoying win a free Ipad popups. No one cares about them, even if they have 'nothing' to lose and everything to gain. Ads are supposed to convince people they need your services, not convince them that they should go out of their way to become convinced that they need your services.

Hold it. The point of an Ad is to appeal to as many people as possible, not just some. I'm basically saying your 'try me or your loss' approach isn't good because there are ways that are better. But yes you are right in that it's just what I think and maybe you know better or maybe you want your Ad to do something else altogether. But maybe I'm right, and because I think I am, and you disagree, I want to hear what you have to say. Telling me 'tough shit' is like saying 'if you disagree with me, I don't care, get lost'. If you really mean that, fine then, I won't bother with this. But I enjoy our little talks, so why not continue?
See just from this I realise no point talking to you because you dont even understand what youre saying. Lol. The arrogance is astounding.

You want to continue? with what? You are making only silly points and drawing all the wrong conclusions. But feel free to write, if writing is a "release" from your insecurities lol. I dont mind :)

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