mmmmmmmmaaaaaaa said:
Say next year I go to uow for eco & finance/law but then wish to transfer to uts or unsw for example, for the same degree. - after however long it is?
How do credit transfers and all that work? Would the credits I did in the year I spent at uow go towards completion of degree at those unis aforementioned. I have heard it usyd doesn't do credit transfer from uow, or something like that.
My main worry is that I would have completed first year uni at uow so would be in second year but since I transferred, I would be back doing basically the same classes (first year) but at another uni instead of doing second year classes - essentially wasting a year. Would I be put into this situation?
Any help would be appreciated, thanks
If you wish to have your university results considered in assessing your application to transfer, you must study a minimum of one year full-time (or part-time equivalent) in your chosen program at UoW. If you choose to initiate a transfer prior to this, your ATAR is the only element that will be considered.
Essentially, all universities recognise studies that students have undertaken at other institutions. The extent to which each individual university does is the factor that changes, and is dependent on how closely subjects studied at the initial institution match or are similar to equivalent/relevant subjects at the institution that the student wishes to transfer to. In such a case, this means that USyd would consider credit transfer from UoW (and other universities for that matter) where appropriate, although it would be reasonable to suggest that, for example, a credit transfer from UNSW to USyd (and vice versa) would be easier given that Go8 universities facilitate the transfer of credit earned at their institutions.
While your progress may be undermined, it is unlikely that transferring to another university implies that you will be required to start your new program from the very beginning. This is especially the case with respect to the Bachelor of Laws, the content of which does not vary significantly between universities as far as I am aware.
I hope this helps!