housemouse said:
Just a question about the only induction question in the CSSA 2006 trial, did you guys use two assumptions instead of one?
I know you can just make one assumption however it seemed to take very long, so i thought i would use two assumptions which made the whole question like a three unit question however my teacher questioned whether or not it was right cause he has never encountered questions nor heard you could make more than one assumption.
Refer him to page 82 of the 4u Syllabus.
For Induction it states:
8.2 Induction
The student is able to:
• carry out proofs by mathematical induction in which
S(1), S(2)…S(k) are
assumed to be true in order to prove S(k + 1) is true
• use mathematical induction to prove results in topics which include geometry,
inequalities, sequences and series, calculus and algebra.
This clearly indicates the need to know about multiple assumptions.