I am a math/science kid in Year 10 deciding my subjects in less than a month who HATES writing and am avoiding writing subjects like the plague. I currently have 11 units and am deciding for my last 1 or 2. Here are my definite subjects.
Math Extension 1 (accelerated)
English Advanced
SOR 2 (have to do religion at my school

At the moment I am deciding between SLR, PDHPE and Music 1, though I am open to other suggestions for non-writing subjects.
PDHPE pros:
- Interesting content
- Useful for my dream to be a physiotherapist
PDHPE cons:
- Content heavy apparently and I am worried about workload for Year 11, especially with me taking the math HSC next year
- 12 markers. I've heard you have to write 2-4 pages for these, and there are like, 4 of them in one exam
SLR pros:
- Easy and provides a nice little outlet for my stress as well as a break from my other subjects
- I enjoy being physically active
SLR cons:
- I know people who have said they hated (they didn't specify why)
- I really haven't heard much about it
- I haven't heard of people who want a high ATAR doing it
Music 1 pros:
- Also provides a bit of an outlet
- I'm good at theory and okay at playing clarinet (the last exam I did was grade 4, but that was many years ago and I'm sure I've improved. The last piece I performed was at grade 7 level, but it took FOREVER to learn)
Music 1 cons:
- Music isn't exactly my PASSION. I enjoy doing it, but I'm not obsessed with it
- I've heard you have to practice for 30 mins to 1 hour a day, which i really don't have time for
- I don't like the stress of choosing a piece that is not too easy that you don't get good marks but not too hard that you can't learn it in time
- I get stage fright really bad
I'm also worried because I don't necessarily plan to take any of these subjects into year 12 (unless I end up being really good at it). This could mean that I don't have enough units if I want to drop something else or if I don't end up taking Extension 2 math like I planned. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.