Back to the original point of this thread, I have always been a democrats supporter so I was understandably shocked when their pref deals came out - so much for socially responsible, they have actually become concerned with votes! jk
So, yes, I think the Democrats preferencing will lose a lot of votes... I still support the democrats but not their prefs. I also favour the Greens who have moderated quite substantially in recent years without losing their good social responsibility report card. So I decided I was going to vote below the line and advised my parents (Libs) to do the same after seeing their prefs and hearing my parents concerns about FF etc.
Then I discovered the Greens Senate preferences exactly what I would vote below the line anyway so now I am voting above the line for the Greens.
Full list of NSW preferences across all parties
Greens (only including parties likely to get elected, there are 78 candidates, 28 groups and four ungrouped after all!)
1. Greens
2. Democrats
3. Labor Party
4. Liberals/Nationals
5. Family First
6. Christian Democrats (Rev Fred Nile)
Other major parties preference deals, own exclamations:
1. Democrats
2. Family First (!)
3. Liberals for Forests
4. Christian Democrats (Rev Fred Nile) (!)
5. Greens
6. 50% Liberals/Nationals, 50% Labor Party
Labor Party
1. Labor Party
2. Liberals for Forests
3. 33% Christian Democrats (Rev Fred Nile), 66% Greens (!)
4. Democrats
5. Family First (!)
6. Liberals/Nationals
Liberal Party
1. Liberals/Nationals
2. Christian Democrats (!)
3. Family First (!)
4. Liberals for Forests
5. Democrats
6. Greens
7. Labor Party