Depression (2 Viewers)

May 20, 2009
The Pub
fucking kill yourself you dumb cunt



there is a difference


BEING UNHAPPY means you should harden the fuck up


Feb 18, 2008
I'm only saying my opinion.

I did not ask for, and do not want anyone's sympathy..otherwise, I would be bitching about why my life is so misreable. In fact, why are you bringing me and my personal life into this? I'm not talking about that, and I have been able to explain why I think the way I do without insulting anybody..maybe you should try doing that. I try not to judge anyone who disagrees with me, in fact I understand why you disagree and I respect that..but I do not respect the way you have expressed yourself, and for some reason I doubt you care. I don't care about the insults you throw at me either...because you don't know me, just like I don't know you.
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May 20, 2009
The Pub
literally you are wrong

depression is a disease, you arent a doctor, you cannot redefine depression.


Feb 18, 2008
Talking from a doctor's perspective, it is a mental illness, not a disease. I've talked to a lot of doctors about depression, and never once have any of them reffered to depression as a disease.


Feb 18, 2008
LMFAO, I'm making you angry?

Now that is depressing, because I'm laughing at you right now.


Clockwork Army
Sep 4, 2008
The amount of people that claim to understand depression that really have no idea surprises me.

Depression isn't simple a negative outlook on life. You can't just change your attitude as you want. If people suffering depression could, don't you think they would? Who wants to be that down all the time? So much so that you often contemplate suicide?

There are different types of depression (major depressive disorder); Biological, Psychological, Social, Evolutionary, And drug induced.

You cannot simply change your mood by undertaking an activity that you enjoy, comparing yourself to others, talking with someone once and 'getting over it'.

stefgi32 said:
...being depressed or wanting to die means simply that.
Good quote to demonstrate the ignorance of depression.

It does not simply mean that. People suffering from depression have a chemical imbalance in their brain that inhibits the "happy" emotions. They can also have social and psychological conditions brought on by third parties (usually traumatic, disturbing or extremely unpleasant over a long period of time). Extensive bullying in primary school often leads to psychological and social depression. Depression can also be a learned condition from a parental figure (you take in personality traits as a young child).

stefgi32 said:
...those people shouldn't be forced to continue with an existence that eats them up inside and shouldn't be judged for it either.
So you're saying let the mentally ill commit suicide when there's a very large chance of cure? Why not kill anyone with any other type of mental illness? It's basically doing the same thing.

stefgi32 said:'s a different POV, a different outlook on life..doesn't mean the people who feel that way are crazy or unstable. It's just different.
Chemical imbalance.
Social conditioning.
Psychological disorder.
Clinically recognised.
It's not just a different point of view. It's induced. It's dangerous. And it is in NO WAY self induced or wanted. Why else do depressed people often ask "Why aren't I happy?", "I want to be happy again".
They don't want to be sad all the time. Like I said, who would? And you propose letting people who want or need help kill themselves? Really?


Refer to wiki for more info: Major depressive disorder - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
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May 20, 2009
The Pub
LMFAO, I'm making you angry?

Now that is depressing, because I'm laughing at you right now.
carbon monoixde is in car exhaust fumes

1) attach a pipe to your car exhuast pipe and feed it through your window
2) sit in car and start it, with windows and doors closed
3) ...

completely painless and foolproof way to die
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Feb 18, 2008
shut the fuck up stefgi32, youre getting owned.
Really? Then why am I laughing? You all by getting angry and responding with "SHUT THE FUCK OMG YOU'RE SO STUPID" is making my day.

Anyway, you continue insulting and thinking you're owning me, and I'll move on to AusBluesMan who has posted something decent..actually explaining to me why he feels I'm wrong without being rude..we can have a civil discussion.

You cannot simply change your mood by undertaking an activity that you enjoy, comparing yourself to others, talking with someone once and 'getting over it'.
I agree with you.

It does not simply mean that. People suffering from depression have a chemical imbalance in their brain that inhibits the "happy" emotions. They can also have social and psychological conditions brought on by third parties (usually traumatic, disturbing or extremely unpleasant over a long period of time). Extensive bullying in primary school often leads to psychological and social depression. Depression can also be a learned condition from a parental figure (you take in personality traits as a young child).
I agree with you, but see there are reasons as to why a person is bullied..because they differ from the norm, or they're socially awkward..and these are things that you cannot change, which is why I say sometimes depression cannot be cured. If someone is consistently bullied or excluded for who they are, how can you expect them to ever be happy? Unless they are able to love themselves regardless of what anyone else thinks, that is not least, I do not think it is..this is talking from personal experience, I really hate to do this because I'll be getting the whole "you're wanting us to feel sorry for you, fuck off", but I don't know how else to explain myself.

I was bullied throughout my primary school years because I was very feminine for a guy and I guess a little socially awkward..and on top of that, I was a bit spoilt. I've worked on not acting so spoilt and accepting I can't get my way all the time....and I've gotten very far with that but things like being feminine and I guess "different"....I can't help that, I don't know how else to act. Like, I have my small group of friends here and there but I'm not super close to anyone because I generally don't click with most people..not that I hate them or vice versa, we just don't connect..I've tried fitting in and all that shit, and it only got me so far....and I wasn't happy, because I wasn't myself and I was always thinking "what am I doing wrong..what is everyone thinking of me?"..perhaps if I loved myself, that wouldn't matter but I do not and I cannot just say "oh get over yourself" doesn't work that way. There were people in my primary years who were kinda like that also...different personal conflicts, but they also were picked on and bullied and felt excluded because they were 'different' and just didn't know how to interact with people....years later, I catch up with one of them....she spent the whole convo bitching about things that happened in year 4, and the next day she went to me talking about how a friend betrayed her trust and I'm like "wtf? shouldn't be talking about this to one of your closer firneds..who actually talks to you on a regular basis, not someone you just caught up with yesterday after how many years??"...after all these years, she still doesn't get it..she doesn't get how to interact with people, and I know she's had counselling but its like....once a weirdo, always a weirdo. I can't if she's unhappy with it or not, but I highly doubt she is if she's leeching onto me a day after she found me on facebook.

Chemical imbalance.
Social conditioning.
Psychological disorder.
Clinically recognised.
It's not just a different point of view. It's induced. It's dangerous. And it is in NO WAY self induced or wanted. Why else do depressed people often ask "Why aren't I happy?", "I want to be happy again".
Yes, depression is sometimes brought upon by things that people experience..but two people can have the same experience and react towards it differently, which is why I say it is a point of view. Lets say we have two brothers, equally close to their mother and the mother might grieve for a while and move on, while the other will spend years or even the rest of his life depressed..which is why I said, some people if pushed in a pool with swim...some will sink.

So you're saying let the mentally ill commit suicide when there's a very large chance of cure? Why not kill anyone with any other type of mental illness? It's basically doing the same thing.
Why help someone who does not want to be helped?..if they want help, then yes good on them help them but if they don't want it....there comes a point where you have to throw in the towel and say "they have to help themselves before anyone can help them any further".
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May 20, 2009
The Pub
shut up you are a retard is in reference to your ignorance and the fact that you are talking shit and are completely wrong


Clockwork Army
Sep 4, 2008
stefgi said:
I agree with you, but see there are reasons as to why a person is bullied..because they differ from the norm, or they're socially awkward..and these are things that you cannot change, which is why I say sometimes depression cannot be cured. If someone is consistently bullied or excluded for who they are, how can you expect them to ever be happy? Unless they are able to love themselves regardless of what anyone else thinks, that is not least, I do not think it is..this is talking from personal experience, I really hate to do this because I'll be getting the whole "you're wanting us to feel sorry for you, fuck off", but I don't know how else to explain myself.

I was bullied throughout my primary school years because I was very feminine for a guy and I guess a little socially awkward..and on top of that, I was a bit spoilt. I've worked on not acting so spoilt and accepting I can't get my way all the time....and I've gotten very far with that but things like being feminine and I guess "different"....I can't help that, I don't know how else to act. Like, I have my small group of friends here and there but I'm not super close to anyone because I generally don't click with most people..not that I hate them or vice versa, we just don't connect..I've tried fitting in and all that shit, and it only got me so far....and I wasn't happy, because I wasn't myself and I was always thinking "what am I doing wrong..what is everyone thinking of me?"..perhaps if I loved myself, that wouldn't matter but I do not and I cannot just say "oh get over yourself" doesn't work that way.
I can relate. I was bullied extensively throughout primary as well though I've always been the poor kid with the op-shop uniform. I've discovered that I'm different to most people, rather radically, but I've still managed to find a few close friends.

I've always had a depressive personality, and have developed Avoidant Personality Disorder on top of the depression. I basically don't like myself, and that won't change but it's not a matter of liking or loving yourself, it's about accepting who you are and recognising that you will not change. You don't need to like yourself to be confident. If you build your self esteem, confidence will come and you'll find others like you. If I managed to, you should be able to.

stefgi32 said:
Yes, depression is sometimes brought upon by things that people experience..but two people can have the same experience and react towards it differently, which is why I say it is a point of view. Lets say we have two brothers, equally close to their mother and the mother might grieve for a while and move on, while the other will spend years or even the rest of his life depressed..which is why I said, some people if pushed in a pool with swim...some will sink.
I guess "point of view" is a bad choice of words then. The outcome depends on certain personality traits. Like me for example. Due to my depressive nature, events tend to throw me... Hard... Where it wouldn't do the same damage to others. Usually people will have caught on to these traits and will know when to step in, but in the cases where they don't, people become depressed. As far as I know over 90% seek help, it's only those in the later stages of depression that seemingly cannot be helped. They can... It's just hard work.

stefgi32 said:
Why help someone who does not want to be helped?..if they want help, then yes good on them help them but if they don't want it....there comes a point where you have to throw in the towel and say "they have to help themselves before anyone can help them any further".
I've been there. I've been to the point where it all seems so hopeless and it felt like there was no way out. No point. I was convinced that no-one could help.

Now I'm a (almost XD) fully functional member of society. Someone got help, and I came out of it. There is a light at the end for every depressive, but you just can't see it. This is why there are depression initiatives out there to help people combat the problem.

Ps. I hate your name, I keep forgetting how to spell the damn thing.
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you've got the love
Jul 1, 2008
Why help someone who does not want to be helped?..if they want help, then yes good on them help them but if they don't want it....there comes a point where you have to throw in the towel and say "they have to help themselves before anyone can help them any further".
Because all people have an innate worth as a human being which needs to be respected. Just because someone doesn't want help doesn't mean they don't deserve it or need it.


Dec 17, 2009
stefgi youre a fucking nuffie cunt. shut the fuck up and get off the fucking internet if thats the sort of advice youre going to give. I dont give a fuck for your hippie bullshit views just shut your fat fucking mouth.
Depression/suicide is irrational. You do not let people acting irrationally make life or death decisions.
Im being rational now though in saying that you need to shut the fuck up and not post again because youre not helpful, youre just another fat shitcunt going against the grain because you think youre a deeper mind. Youre really a pile of steaming horse-shit though who needs to re-evaluate your whole existence with the help of someone you pay a large amount of money to pretend to give a fuck.


Feb 18, 2008
Ok I think I agree with some of what you are saying here - but gay marriage and suicide holding hands in the matrimony of your sentence? Bad swimmers getting an extra nudge? There is some foggy thinking here.

Ok if this is roughly what you are saying-

1. You can commit suicide and not be depressed. It is possible to make a rational decision to take your own life. In the same way that a terminally ill or cripplechair might "euthanise" themselves, some people are just not mentally cut out to live in this world.

2. Ultimately it should be their decision and not society.

Then I agree with you.

But hay, you may as well try meds and therapy first - just in case your Final Solution turns out to be a bit of an obscene, over-the-top jewbuster. Teenagers, especially, should wait until their hormones settle down before they start self-immolating.

If that doesn't work, go some hardcore drug abuse. Don't leave this world with a healthy body. Yuck, what a waste.
Thats exactly what I'm trying to say..I didn't articulate it nearly as well as you just did, but ehh...I tried. Better than me going "WTF YOU'RE AN IDIOT FOR NOT THINKING THE WAY I DO, THIS IS HOW IT IS NOT LIKE THAT!!!!" like some others have done...which I sometimes do too when I'm pissed, but now I realize how stupid one looks when they do that.

I don't know, I have my days...some days, I feel like I'm ready to go and other days it's like "maybe I should try this and things will work out better". Its an ongoing rollercoaster of acceptance, which Ausbluesman kinda mentioned..

I can relate. I was bullied extensively throughout primary as well though I've always been the poor kid with the op-shop uniform. I've discovered that I'm different to most people, rather radically, but I've still managed to find a few close friends.

I've always had a depressive personality, and have developed Avoidant Personality Disorder on top of the depression. I basically don't like myself, and that won't change but it's not a matter of liking or loving yourself, it's about accepting who you are and recognising that you will not change. You don't need to like yourself to be confident. If you build your self esteem, confidence will come and you'll find others like you. If I managed to, you should be able to.
I never looked at it that way..I'm definetly taking that on board.

I may get shot for saying this too, but oh were probably better off being the poor kid with the op-shop uniform than the wealthy, spoilt brat that I was (well technically I wasn't that wealthy, my dad's company just paid for everything, but anyway...) and I'll tell you why: people who have everything handed to them from an early age do not know later in life how to take care of to do things themselves. Right now, I'm struggling to finish school because I've never had to do schoolwork I didn't like on my own up until the last few a kid I've always had help, someone do it for me or I'd give in something half-assed because I felt it wouldn't matter seeing that I had a big house to go back to..until the company went bankrupt hahah. As a consequence, I've become the laziest bitch to walk this earth. XD So at least with you, you should have been able to exercise that muscle in your brain that says "I don't want to do this, but I have to so I will"...I really struggle with that, and that will probably be my downfall if I don't overcome it's definetly good to have some hardship, or at least not be so cushioned because when you've been cushioned all your life and then go into the real world like're fucked. Lol really fucked.

I've been there. I've been to the point where it all seems so hopeless and it felt like there was no way out. No point. I was convinced that no-one could help.

Now I'm a (almost XD) fully functional member of society. Someone got help, and I came out of it. There is a light at the end for every depressive, but you just can't see it. This is why there are depression initiatives out there to help people combat the problem.

Ps. I hate your name, I keep forgetting how to spell the damn thing.
Just call me Stef. :p

Yeah, I'd like to think there is a way for everybody..I'm not sure if I quite believe that just yet, perhaps I still need to find my own way kinda like you have in order to believe.

To supercalamari
Because all people have an innate worth as a human being which needs to be respected. Just because someone doesn't want help doesn't mean they don't deserve it or need it.
Yes they deserve it, I agree with you. However, if the person doesn't want help there is only so much you can do before the only person who can save them in themselves..

alax dillon

Dec 3, 2009
Ok but $100,000 of cigarettes would probably go stale.
It also presupposes a long life.
Would there be considerable savings by spending $100,000 upfront? Would you get $200,000 worth of tobacco?
Perhaps if you knew that by age 65 you would have an extra $100,000 in your superannuation, you might consider it, but unless you know of such a scheme I still think this is a terrible example. Horrendous.
Even then, what if tobacco later becomes unregulated (because of the obvious problems of individuals owning trade-levels of tobacco) and price of tobacco drops MASSIVELY.
This would be a bad investment. I really cannot support this at all.

Ok I think I agree with some of what you are saying here - but gay marriage and suicide holding hands in the matrimony of your sentence? Bad swimmers getting an extra nudge? There is some foggy thinking here.

Ok if this is roughly what you are saying-

1. You can commit suicide and not be depressed. It is possible to make a rational decision to take your own life. In the same way that a terminally ill or cripplechair might "euthanise" themselves, some people are just not mentally cut out to live in this world.

2. Ultimately it should be their decision and not society.

Then I agree with you.

But hay, you may as well try meds and therapy first - just in case your Final Solution turns out to be a bit of an obscene, over-the-top jewbuster. Teenagers, especially, should wait until their hormones settle down before they start self-immolating.

If that doesn't work, go some hardcore drug abuse. Don't leave this world with a healthy body. Yuck, what a waste.
hahahaha. made me laugh.

Because all people have an innate worth as a human being which needs to be respected. Just because someone doesn't want help doesn't mean they don't deserve it or need it.
everyone needs, no matter whether or not they have a clinical disease like depression or even leprosy, someone to be there. the worst thing though is when someone is denied that right by all others. everyone deserves to have one person there for them.

stefgi youre a fucking nuffie cunt. shut the fuck up and get off the fucking internet if thats the sort of advice youre going to give. I dont give a fuck for your hippie bullshit views just shut your fat fucking mouth.
Depression/suicide is irrational. You do not let people acting irrationally make life or death decisions.
Im being rational now though in saying that you need to shut the fuck up and not post again because youre not helpful, youre just another fat shitcunt going against the grain because you think youre a deeper mind. Youre really a pile of steaming horse-shit though who needs to re-evaluate your whole existence with the help of someone you pay a large amount of money to pretend to give a fuck.

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