some mfs need to get their head out their ass i dont care that u go to a top 30 school ur probs jus some obnoxious selective school kid who has no real grasp on the world around them because ur trapped in this bubble and think u have the right to look down on others and value people on their academics which is js crazy... im literally from a top 5 selective school & sick of the superiority complexes that everyone around me has ong ur not better than anyone, everyone thinks we're pretentious and clique-y for a reason u probs the type of mf to ask for someones atar in uni, there are a lot more important skills in life than academics, leadership and social skills (ie not thinking ur better than ppl) will get u so much further than a random maths test bffr (a lot of the top people in my grade have dropped maths completely, its not necessary for success and i know theyll end up achieving 99.5+ regardless)
agreed and i think all of us selective school kids will get humbled when we go out into the real world. getting a high atar and into a prestigious degree may be a stepping stool in terms of connections and MAYBE a higher quality of education and might correlate to success, but probably not cause it. we are all going to be screwed over by the job market, economy and the housing market lol it is just a matter of how screwed you will be. and yes kids from selective schools have a complex. i have seen it when interacting with kids from higher ranked selective schools than mine, imagine what thats going to be like for someone in a lower ranked school. also a majority of people in selective schools are rich or richer than the average. ive had someone tell me their family wasnt rich for owning 3 teslas smh. some of these kids are going to get humbled when the realise the world out there isnt that simple
also the ppl in this thread clowning on ppl of lower socioeconomic backgrounds are just plain disgusting lmao. you don't choose to be born or put into that kind of situation so idk why we are shitting on ppl that can't help it.
also to be completely real why are the ppl in a top 5 school dropping math altogether? sorry its just not believable. my school is ranked well below that and ppl had to jump through hoops to convince the school to allow them to do standard 2, let alone dropping maths altogether. the school refused to put them in a class so they all do distance ed now. typically selective schools will try anything they can to stop you from dropping maths. sure you might be able to get a 99.5+ atar without maths but those ppl are outliers and in the eyes of a selective school they don't want kids to drop math for "lower scaling subjects"