Some bitch in my grade cheated in Maths (2U). Not during the exam, but upon receiving her shitty mark (60%). Basically, for such exams the whole grade was brought together (since everyone does Maths at the same time so it doesn't disrupt any class) and into the Lecture theatre where we listened as each individual teacher who marked each question came u, showed us their answers and explained how the marks were allocated. This is so, if you have any issues, you can identify them, and if you reckon you dserved a mark, you'd go and discuss it with them. Pretty fair system. The bitch brought in a pen andstarted changing her answers as we went along. Teacher caught her, she got slingshotted from Maths 2 to Maths 5, no chance of ever doing 4U, no chance of ever moving up classes, a mark of zero for 2U maths which will be counted in her UAI estimate in Prelims. Effectively, she got raped. Pretty funny.