Re: Distinction Courses: Interest and discussion on the proposed cancellation of cour
You have to complete the HSC at least a year ahead of your cohort, so you would have to be sitting the HSC either this year or next year for one or more subjects and get a decent mark for it (usually 90+).
Not necessarily. DC entry depends on whether your school allows acceleration. For example I did Cosmology in 2006 despite Ascham not allowing acceleration: I simply submitted the form along with a letter from the Headmistress explaining why the school didn't offer acceleration. I *had* done the PHIL1015 Mind and Morality course offered by the University of Syndey, which is a Year 11 unit comparable to acceleration, so if you can't be accelerated, I would do one of the USyd courses in Year 11 and claim that as the accelerated unit.
In addition, doing the Mind and morality course is a good way to resolve the decision between Cosmology and Philosophy: you get an intense dose of key philosophical principles in year 11 and if you really enjoy that do Philosophy, if not, do Cosmology. From talking to people who did both courses, it seems to me that the cosmology course can be enjoyed even if you have just a modest interest in the subject, whereas you have to have a real passion for philosophy to get through that course. (Of course I may be letting my bias colour my interpretation of their comments.

Please, please, please submit indications of interest to the Board if you want to do any of the Distinction Courses: the more students show their interest, the greater the weight of the alumni petition to the department of education.