Groups in Context
We have many acronyms...
C- chronically ill
R- rural
A- aged
S- sole parent
H- homeless
G- gays and lesbians
A- aboriginal (cultural)
S- socio-econiically disadvantaged
F- families in crisis
D- disabled
thank you! our class doesn't have one for the groups, but now i do
we also have for the
specfic needs: SHE HAS Soup Every Friday:
S-elf esteem
H-ealth care
A-ccess to resources
S-ense of identity
S-ecurity and safety
F-inancial support
factors affecting access to resouraces:
Every - education
Ethnic - ethicity
Girl - gender
Should - socioeconomic status
Locate - location
A - age
Dog - disability
sociatial structures MRS WHEEL
M- media
R- recreational facitilitors
S- spirtual groups
W- welfare
H- housing providers
E- employment
E- educational facilities
L- legal system
needs: pisces:
P- physical
I- intellual
S- spirtual
C- cultural
E- economic
S- socioemotional status (SES)