2 beers a night bad? 2 beers plus halve a bottle of wine? 2 beers plus lots of wine followed by single malt whiskey too much?
Depending on the circumstances i can drink, lots! Great fun!
I remember when i first got drunk, such a head-ache the next morning, said i'd never do that again. Then about 2 months later, did it again (and far worse!) - 2 days hang-over. DEFINATELY never do that again!
Then uni collage came along.... the rest is history.
I hear SO OFTEN, "i don't like the taste" or "drinking is stupid" or some other rubbish. Trust me, getting drunk can be fun, as long as you do it responsibly, with good mates (or family - Christmas??).
Sure, some may choose not to drunk, fair enough, but don't be 16-18 and state, "I'm never going to drink, I hate the taste of it... etc", be open minded. Drinking can be fun, especially with lots of good mates around.
But remember - be responsible!