Lol... I guess 'Karl' is supposed to represent prophets/deciples and messengers right? Well, explain things which people couldn't have known at the time of particular religion being know. I think I provided links and evidence to where the Koran provided a pretty thorough explanation of embryology and the life/stages of early embryo's. (Which would have been impossible to predict, and couldn't be proven without light telescopes. ) Also, the lack of contradictions? Yeah well....??
On the Idea that the first law, the definition of the Law of Energy, it couldn't be a 'natural' process. Since there would be no 'natural', nothing existed and that's why it couldn't occur in such a way. (it may be difficult for you to fathom a world with different physical laws then ours or none at all .)
Everything we know about physics and physical properties is attributed to the physical laws which 'govern' our universe and all but the first can be explained. Even in a 'law-less', the first law which is the law of energy could not be determined by anything naturally because there is no nature. Let's say the first law was 'The Law of xxx'. Where xxx is a negative convulsion which is undefinable by human physics. In order for the xxx to be maintained it would need sub-laws to keep it animate, and in a lawless universe having a law leaves room for spontaneous laws to 'protect' the first law, but never to create law since their would be no 'way'. Anyways, xxx cannot negatively convulse because of the other xxx in the viscinity it cannot pulsate whille the other xxx is there. So each time it pulsates it transfers negativity (opposite to gravity) outwards, pushing away the other xxx and protecting itself. (It would not have life in this universe as all the matter would RAPIDLY begin to seperate and pulsate untill all the xxx is used up. And then the xxx would continually just 'detract' other xxx. It would never change to other matter because it wouldn't be stressed again. But when all the negative (whcih you wont be able to fathom) convulsions and re-traction is gone, it would turn into positive (something similar to what we know today. In which case it would all quickly (clash together) which would test it since they cannot pulsate in the viscinity of each other, it could then transfer all of its 'bearing' to the pulsating xxx and the other xxx would be apart of it. Then all the xxx's would all join together in a blob turning from positive to negative and negative to positive over and over again. Never being tested again.
This is an example of the first law xxx, ours however is energy and because of it every other law exists. I wouldn't say that there isn't millions of universes all with 'different' laws but NONE of them could exist without someone first 'defining' the first law. (Anyone could tell you the laws of energy, such as it cannot be lost, it's self maintaining, it can be transfered to matter and whatever else. )
My opinion is there is a god and I've dedicated a third of my life to disproving it. It's sorta 'uneasy' for me to accept an entity with so much power being on earth and executed (so that rules out christianity for me), so I'm left with Judaism and Islam. I follow Islam and I believe that the religion has alot of good to be reaped from it. But, even my arguments are some what contradictory, because If I wrote all of my thoughts in a religious book and claimed I met god people would definately say 'hey, look how accurately he described things which we would have never known without a "Light Vision Acceleration Ray" bahaha'.
Either way, In my books Islam is right... I have the science to prove god exists and unlike some religions Islam challenges people to test it and to indulge in the gifts that god gave us... Intelligence... All Islam asks is that when they day comes to you (The Last Day) that you acknowledge the Koran and you will be taken to a path of light.