Does God exist? (23 Viewers)

do you believe in god?

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May 10, 2008
Northern Rivers NSW
Enteebee said:
Not necessarily, it's quite easy to postulate a meta-universe with different rules that has always existed and creates smaller universes such as our own.
if it is quite easy to accept that idea, then it is easy to accept most ideas about the origins of the universe. Most religions make sense in the context of what they teach. People often ask, "well, where is the proof that God exists?" If the person asking that question had a thourough understanding of the religion they were questioning, they would probably be able to answer their own question.

But that doesnt mean that its true. There is more tangible evidense of some form of God not existing then there is of one existing. And there is more evidense for a theory such as evolution to be an explaination of existance than creation. Im not really on any sides.

However one thing that I dont approve of is science based athiests who treat scientific theory as absolute law. Some people 'seem' to think that man knows almost everything there is to know about science and the universe. But consider this: in comparison to the whole universe, what percentage of knowledge or the ability to process all the information within the universe does man have? a very very very small percentage. To then assume that humans can understand the origins of the universe at this stage when we are still learning about our own planet seems to lack viability. Scientists in 500 years will probably look back and laugh at our primitive methods. Thats if the human race survives that long.

anyway, this is all based on my limited understanding


Keepers of the flames
Jun 25, 2007
if it is quite easy to accept that idea, then it is easy to accept most ideas about the origins of the universe.
My point was to deny that without god we're left with "we came from nothing". Of course for the most part theories of the origin of the universe are somewhat equal (though I could point out why I believe the God hypothesis is probably the least likely) and for the most part I think on this question we should remain agnostic... We don't know and it's of the type of thing that we don't ever even need to know.
There is more tangible evidense of some form of God not existing then there is of one existing
Um no, we can't have evidence either way... It's a supernatural freaking being.
However one thing that I dont approve of is science based athiests who treat scientific theory as absolute law.
Scientific theory is the best knowledge we have at the time... Obviously not absolute law, but if you wanna go circumventing it you better have some damn good reasons. You can't just throw it aside by saying "Oh but it could still one day be proven wrong"...

But consider this: in comparison to the whole universe, what percentage of knowledge or the ability to process all the information within the universe does man have? a very very very small percentage.
Yes, but we're working off of what we have... If you want to postulate something different then you're going to need to do better than it, no matter how limited both of our abilities to gather the knowledge are.

To then assume that humans can understand the origins of the universe at this stage when we are still learning about our own planet seems to lack viability.
Take everything you've said and apply it to 'pixies that make people fall in love', I could quite easily say that they exist in the % of knowledge that we don't know... I could say the same about leprechauns or unicorns... Your entire point here becomes rather humourous when we examine its logical extensions.

Scientists in 500 years will probably look back and laugh at our primitive methods. Thats if the human race survives that long.
Then again, our scientists are looking back 500 years and seeing that... hey we did actually have a few things right... and now science is moving at a much faster rate than the past 500 years and still many theories hold up against what is probably within 50 years the equivilent of the past 500...


Tiny dancer
Apr 30, 2008
Enteebee said:
My point was to deny that without god we're left with "we came from nothing". Of course for the most part theories of the origin of the universe are somewhat equal (though I could point out why I believe the God hypothesis is probably the least likely) and for the most part I think on this question we should remain agnostic... We don't know and it's of the type of thing that we don't ever even need to know.

Um no, we can't have evidence either way... It's a supernatural freaking being.

Scientific theory is the best knowledge we have at the time... Obviously not absolute law, but if you wanna go circumventing it you better have some damn good reasons. You can't just throw it aside by saying "Oh but it could still one day be proven wrong"...

Yes, but we're working off of what we have... If you want to postulate something different then you're going to need to do better than it, no matter how limited both of our abilities to gather the knowledge are.

Take everything you've said and apply it to 'pixies that make people fall in love', I could quite easily say that they exist in the % of knowledge that we don't know... I could say the same about leprechauns or unicorns... Your entire point here becomes rather humourous when we examine its logical extensions.

Then again, our scientists are looking back 500 years and seeing that... hey we did actually have a few things right... and now science is moving at a much faster rate than the past 500 years and still many theories hold up against what is probably within 50 years the equivilent of the past 500...
Enteebee are you agnostic?


Keepers of the flames
Jun 25, 2007
*TRUE* said:
Enteebee are you agnostic?
I'm an agnostic in the same sense as I'm agnostic that there are these magical pixies that make us all fall in love with each other.

I take it you believe in a God, are you agnostic or an atheist towards all those other gods?


Tiny dancer
Apr 30, 2008
Enteebee said:
I'm an agnostic in the same sense as I'm agnostic that there are these magical pixies that make us all fall in love with each other.
Hmmm. More atheistic then?
Have patience with me:)
DO you mean you think their is 50% chance of there being , um , pixies , or do you mean you are ultimately agnostic but you pretty much dont think there is a God? Just curious about your dont have to tell me if you dont want to.

Other Gods? You mean like Allah etc? Im not really sure how to answer that. To be honest I dont think those gods can be nothing. But if what the bible says about their being principalities and powers etc is true, I think it is safe to say that such a spirit exists. But I would not ever call them God.
Yes , I am a Christian.
Last edited:


Keepers of the flames
Jun 25, 2007
Hmmm. More atheistic then?
Yes, I don't think there's a God any more than I think there are fairies at the bottom of my garden... and let's be honest here, I don't think there are fairies at the bottom of my garden.

DO you mean you think their is 50% chance of there being , um , pixies , or do you mean you are ultimately agnostic but you pretty much dont think there is a God? Just curious about your dont have to tell me if you dont want to.
Ultimately, epistemological, I don't think we can know anything for certain and it is especially hard to prove something doesn't exist... but in reality (or moreso, my constructed reality) I regularly dismiss the possibility of such supernatural beings existing, so it's fair enough to say I'm an atheist, unless u'd truly consider me a 'pixie agnostic', I think it's stretching a philosophical point (and confusing people in the process) to do so though.

Other Gods? You mean like Allah etc? Im not really sure how to answer that. To be honest I dont think those gods can be nothing. But if what the bible says about their being principalities and powers etc is true, I think it is safe to say that such a spirit exists. But I would not ever call them God.
Do you believe that there is this God, hades, who is the lord of the underworld etc etc... The answer is (let's be honest, I don't want to keep playing this game til we get to the conclusion..) no. So you're an atheist about Hades, God of the underworld... and I'm an atheist of Hades and Yaweh.


Tiny dancer
Apr 30, 2008
Thanks. Just wanted to understand where you were coming from because ive talked to you a bit in other threads and you seem to pretty much know what you think
I wonder if you believe in something yourself (God) that means you have to believe in something someone else believes in ( pixies or whatever).
I dont really think you do.


Keepers of the flames
Jun 25, 2007
I wonder if you believe in something yourself (God) that means you have to believe in something someone else believes in ( pixies or whatever).
I dont really think you do.
I believe allah and the christian god have equal evidence... to believe in one and not the other seems illogical, especially when you take into account that you believe people can be decieved by evil spirits (the devil etc) so you can't even trust your personal experiences....

I also think a God and a fairy have equal evidence, some people feel they have communicated with fairies... is there belief on par with your belief in god (I'm assuming you're going to say your belief is based on personal experience).


Tiny dancer
Apr 30, 2008
Enteebee said:
I believe allah and the christian god have equal evidence... to believe in one and not the other seems illogical, especially when you take into account that you believe people can be decieved by evil spirits (the devil etc) so you can't even trust your personal experiences....

I also think a God and a fairy have equal evidence, some people feel they have communicated with fairies... is there belief on par with your belief in god (I'm assuming you're going to say your belief is based on personal experience).
I think there are principalities and powers - but maybe they are not what we think they are.
I remember reading in the bible about a woman who conjured spirits. A king of Israel went to her because he wanted to speak to the dead prophet samuel.
The woman did her thing...and Samuel's spirit was in the room. The funny thing about this incident to me was the woman's remark. "This is not my familiar spirit" (because Samuel's spirit was actually there , as opposed to the one masquerading spirit she dealt with regularly.
There must have been a spirit associated with (assigned to) that spiritual practise. But it isnt the "spirit" people think it is.
Maybe there isnt many beliefs . Maybe there is only two. And one of those might have many slight variations or names.


Keepers of the flames
Jun 25, 2007
*TRUE* said:
I think there are principalities and powers - but maybe they are not what we think they are.
I remember reading in the bible about a woman who conjured spirits. A king of Israel went to her because he wanted to speak to the dead prophet samuel.
The woman did her thing...and Samuel's spirit was in the room. The funny thing about this incident to me was the woman's remark. "This is not my familiar spirit" (because Samuel's spirit was actually there , as opposed to the one masquerading spirit she dealt with regularly.
There must have been a spirit associated with (assigned to) that spiritual practise. But it isnt the "spirit" people think it is.
Maybe there isnt many beliefs . Maybe there is only two. And one of those might have many slight variations or names.
*TRUE* what the hell are you on about? No matter how you want to concoct it (unless u just want to ignore all logic, in which case why even bother speaking words to me) it is at least possible to concieve the existence of two different God entities that could not co-exist with each other.... these conceptions are all I need to show that you are as much of an atheist as I am (necessarily) about SOME god...

Even if you believe this whole principalities etc thing, you are contradicting other peoples beliefs who think what you're saying is wrong and they know the one true god... The only way to get around this is to just firmly state "No, my belief magically resolves everyone elses... magically".


But pieces of what?
Jun 12, 2004
*TRUE* said:
I remember reading in the bible about a woman who conjured spirits.
I remember reading in the bible about a women was was turned into a pillar of salt because she looked back at the kingdom of Sodom.


Keepers of the flames
Jun 25, 2007
Slidey said:
I remember reading in the bible about a women was was turned into a pillar of salt because she looked back at the kingdom of Sodom.
and then her husband and her two teenage daughters got it on in a cave.


Tiny dancer
Apr 30, 2008
Enteebee said:
*TRUE* what the hell are you on about? No matter how you want to concoct it (unless u just want to ignore all logic, in which case why even bother speaking words to me) it is at least possible to concieve the existence of two different God entities that could not co-exist with each other.... these conceptions are all I need to show that you are as much of an atheist as I am (necessarily) about SOME god...

Even if you believe this whole principalities etc thing, you are contradicting other peoples beliefs who think what you're saying is wrong and they know the one true god... The only way to get around this is to just firmly state "No, my belief magically resolves everyone elses... magically".
Im sorry Enteebee but I am not an athiest about any God. I just dont neccessarily think any God is exactly what it is marketed as. I wont speak any more words to you then.


Keepers of the flames
Jun 25, 2007
*TRUE* said:
Im sorry Enteebee but I am not an athiest about any God. I just dont neccessarily think any God is exactly what it is marketed as. I wont speak any more words to you then.
I'm sorry *TRUE* but I really think you need to start examining your own beliefs because it is impossible for you not to be athiest about any conception of God... for starters, I could concieve of a God who's only attribute is that he is the only God.. if you believe in any others then you believe he doesn't exist, if you believe he exists then NECESSARILY others cannot exist, no matter what word games you want to play.

Don't act like I'm being untoward to you or being unreasonable, surely I must give you credit to realise how ridiculous you are to say you're not atheist of any God, while still believing in 1 or more of them...


Tiny dancer
Apr 30, 2008
Enteebee said:
I'm sorry *TRUE* but I really think you need to start examining your own beliefs because it is impossible for you not to be athiest about any conception of God... for starters, I could concieve of a God who's only attribute is that he is the only God.. if you believe in any others then you believe he doesn't exist, if you believe he exists then NECESSARILY others cannot exist, no matter what word games you want to play.

Don't act like I'm being untoward to you or being unreasonable, surely I must give you credit to realise how ridiculous you are to say you're not atheist of any God, while still believing in 1 or more of them...
Enteebee I dont know why what I am saying isnt getting across.
I believe that there is only one true God. I think there are other spirit powers out there that are anti the one true God.
I dont disbelieve in any of them that have had any sort of real influence in people. If something influences people , there is something behind it.


Keepers of the flames
Jun 25, 2007
I believe that there is only one true God. I think there are other spirit powers out there that are anti the one true God.
Ok, you believe there is only one true God... You believe it has X characteristics, correct? Now if someone believes in a God that doesn't have X characteristics, then their 'god' is in disagreement with your own... You can't submit that both exist, so you have to be atheist about one and say it doesn't exist. You can then go on about how it's "another spirit power", but that still makes you an atheist regarding the existence of that God, as a God (as it no longer has the characteristic... of being the one true god).
If something influences people , there is something behind it.
If someone believes a leprechaun told them to burn down their house.... then there's something behind that leprechaun? It couldn't just be a mentally deranged man's delusion?

Captain Gh3y

Aug 10, 2005
falling from grace with god
*TRUE* said:
I dont disbelieve in any of them that have had any sort of real influence in people. If something influences people , there is something behind it.
Could it perhaps just be all in their head?

The human brain can do stranger stuff than we think it does. It would also make more sense if this was the case.

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