Enteebee said:
Beautiful bs! Any value-system is bs by the same merit, even those that lead to personal fulfilment...
I don't particularly care what the bible says anymore than u care what the koran says...
But I want you to be right... I want a God to exist, I don't want to die, I don't want my loved ones to die... I want there to be justice, I want there to be an easy truth... So how am I 'willfully forgetting' anything?
It was fulfilled at the time of publication...
No, it was not proven at the time of publication, any more than the prophecies of Jesus' birth/death were.
You only want me to be right about God if he is a God that will fit into your own logic and reasoning. My God will never do that. He is too BIG.
I believe he created you with a wonderful capacity for logic and reasoning , but i also believe that it was only going to be beneficial when it had
faith added to it.
You are willfully forgetting that God demands your faith not your reasoning.
You are willfully forgetting this:
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart , and
lean not on your own understanding"
Enteebee , you will never stop picking at the flaws in my grammer , logic , reasoning....and you will always find alot of that

I dont know where you are going to find a God that fits your idea of what a God should be , how he should behave and how he can exist. I think the way you are going you will never find him - i am fairly confident that you will come to the conclusion that
you are your own god.