Does God exist? (7 Viewers)

do you believe in god?

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Feb 26, 2020
God is real!!!

Hebrews 11:3 By faith we understand that the universe was ordered by the word of God, so that what is visible came into being through the invisible.
he use of the word "ordered" is particularly appropriate in this verse. The universe was not simply created by God and left alone, but was created and given order, a form and unity that, through God, continually stands against chaos. God's loving presence is evident in the beauty and balance of all creation. Through our faith in the Word of God we know that all existence is the manifestation of the Lord. As people of faith, we do not need tangible proof to believe, and yet because we believe, we see tangible proof all around us. The point being made here is not about inventing beliefs, but about putting our trust in God, based on what we can see, in order to rely on Him in areas where we cannot see.

This perspective is especially important when reading upcoming verses about biblical figures. In each case, their faith is demonstrated by obedience to God, despite a lack of complete knowledge. Abraham is an example of trusting faith for that reason: his actions show that he was willing to trust God, though he himself could not see how God's plan was going to be worked out. Spiritually, as well as physically, God takes what is "unseen" to us, and makes things which, later on, we can see.

If it is God's will to let us know how the world was made then he would tell us however this is not the will of God, blessed are those who don't see but yet believe! However, many people always say Lord why don't you show me a sign, how do you expect me to believe if I cannot see. However God did give a sign this was his only Son being sent to the earth, God knew the people would crucify him however this had to take place for the forgiveness of sins. God gave his only son to show the world no matter how hard or how bad things might be for you now, know that my Lord has done this before you, the SON of GOD died on a cross where he was tormented, mocked when he not done even one sin yet we have done hundreds. God's grace is so big that he loves everyone so dearly. For do not worry about this world for it will pass but heaven will be forever.

There are any miracles still happening however people will always stay questioning we must think with our hearts and then our eyes will be opened to the amazing miracles that happen in our life.

Start with the bible because I can promise you it has all the answers!

God bless you


Feb 26, 2020
Your not aggressive at all, this can help better understand your faith, that's why God gave his only Son for us, Jesus suffered physical pain and mental pain when he was crucified, Everyone is God's children and for Jesus to see them all rebuking him and killing something God offered the earth to help them must have been so hard for the Lord. God's love is so righteous and good when you feel it no matter what you go through it's like a peace sensation comes over us. But we are not perfect and there are bad people in this world but the Lord is right there and he helps us through everything. God has helped me so much and what I have been through God is always there for us, Earth is like a journey and Heaven is eternal the goal. Earth will pass for Heaven lasts forever. Genocide and war is all man-made and that's where free will comes in but this journey is only limited and heaven is unlimited. Like Jesus did his father's will and suffered through all this pain because he loves us and he is in heaven. And who are we to question God for we shall not lean on our own understanding but trust in the Lord!
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Jun 3, 2014
South of here
Uni Grad
Okay, so I've always been on the fence about religion and I wanted to ask a question since I've been kind of scared to ask my parents lol. (I don't mean to offend anyone with the question btws.)
If God is real, why does he allow for us to get sick? Or for us to be harmed? If we are his children, why do we face such awful things? I understand that he has created heaven and earth is doomed or something along those lines but if he loves us, couldn't he help us? Isn't it unethical to make us suffer through things like genocide and war?
Again throughout my entire life, I've always been leaning towards not believing in God but I do have a lot of doubt. Sorry if I came off as aggresive, I really am just curious.
The root cause of suffering would be death, if you had to pick one.

Nah hardly aggressive. Its natural to question why do natural disasters for instance happen particular to people of faith (who believe in him).
This world is kind of a ticking time bomb, and God is preparing a new one for those who love them, a better country (as one of the writers of the Scriptures puts it), a world with none of these things.

But it all comes back to Jesus really, because central to God's plan is a suffering servant king. It seems almost paradoxical, until you see him suffer and then raised to life.

The same is for us, suffering now but glory to come. We too will suffer and die, but those who truely belong to God, (not just acknowledge he is real), will be raised to be with Him forever. The resurrection is key - God is not only the one who created us but is the one that when it all looks bleak will revive us, and when we turn to him will receive us.


Just Bee Yourself 🐝
Nov 26, 2008
I mean, 10 billion+ other people have not risen from the dead. That's a pretty good proof for the unlikeliness of Jesus coming back from the dead. Surely another person would have been worthy of/done that if he had? As far as I'm concerned, you guys are building upon foundational layers of a concept to suit it to your perspective. Man, this is like English where you try to analyse every little piece of information for an extra interpretation, and no one can say that the author didn't intend as such because chances are he never wrote about why he did that.

The more interesting question is if we can argue the topic of God, how easy is it for cults to actually start? What about pigs flying? Damn, what if Peppa Pig is an omniscient being that appeared in some guys dream and told him to make it into a cartoon?
dude you just posted cringe


Active Member
Jul 24, 2020
if anyone one needs any help with there faith let us know! we will try to answer any questions you have


Critical Hit
Sep 7, 2019
Hmm, apparently to take them out of this cruel space and reunite them in heaven.

Or reincarnate them into better humans.

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