listening to 60minutes about them finding jesus family tomb and that mary magdola becoming a very important part of taking out jesus' message around the world.
it makes me think if christians is nothing more then a old fashion 'scientology' setup.
i mean mary was the adulterous, jesus saves her, but then according to new evidence she was then later admired and a holy women and high up the ranks, this could explain why she had a son and not hated aswell.
They probably used the ancient technique, used over hundreds of years which 'john edwards' is said to use to make people believe he can talk to the dead, called "cold calling"
not to mention how can god exists if there is SUPPOSABLY 'free will' which there isn't, i mean according to jessus he 'KNEW' someone would betray him, plus if god made us and knew what we would do then we have no hope, some try to discourage this theory and say well there are different roads you choose, YOU pick them so its not gods fault, according to the rules he ALREADY knows which road you pick therefore this arguement doesn't work, it doesn't matter if you throw this 'there is more then 1 choice, and we make it' because it still comes down to he knows what choice we make, cause he made us
eitherways i dont' believe in religion anymore, not to mention its corrupted, people killing cause god made them to, allah says its ok to blow people up, buddist not allowed to drink but decide its ok (how can you decide its ok?)
people re-write religion which should be concrete and make it there own "there own religion" why believe in anything at all if you make your own rules
i.e gay priests, gays getting married in church wtf?:angry:
p.s to the last person there is no such thing as "just in case" i don't think you can go to heaven on 'lip service' only, if god exists he won't except you just because you pretend to sing at church and tell people you believe him, if you dont' really believe in your heart.
pps i think its just a western corruption, few years ago I watched news, a business that clones family pets, people said it was playing god, then next news bulletin same channel its about scientific breakthrough, having babies without men, good for lesbian how come THATS not playing god?