i've been reading some of these posts about people rethinking their subjects for next year. i picked the subjects i want to do in year 12 last year because that seems logical to me. however, what people have been saying about scaling is starting to worry me.
Scaling does matter, BUT, if you don't enjoy the subject then it won't work in your favour.
I was very determined to get into medicine as well and luckily the subjects I enjoyed and was good in filled the prerequisites for medicine.
Did accelerated chemistry (absolutely loved it! - especially the mix of theory and then putting it into practice in the practicals)
Physics - For prelim didn't do top-notch and was having doubts. However, the HSC was way more interesting and what drew me to physics was that we did 'Medical Physics' as our option and also I wanted to keep my options open. Physics isn't the raw mathematical stuff, its more history and understanding concepts (which aren't extremely hard..)
Essentially, pick subjects you are good at (in most cases the ones you like and are passionate about).
i want to study medicine once i graduate. i chose english ext. because it was a requirement and i'm fairly good, and chem and bio because they're supposed to help, and to keep my science options open, along with advanced maths.
This is nearly exactly like me. Btw extension english isn't a prerequisite for medicine.
Your options are good in terms of thinking for a future career in medicine. Remember, if you goal is medicine though, the UMAT is extremely important.
Consider it as another 2 units or MORE. I'd reccomend you do preparation for it as you would do any other subject. This does NOT neccessarily mean forking out hundreds of dollars on preparation courses.
Section 1 UMAT
Learn speed reading
Meditate 5 minutes (close your eyes and just focus on your breathing) every night before you sleep. This will improve your concentration, which is very important for Section 1 of the UMAT as you have to speed read, problem solve and concentrate and then forget everything about that question and move on to the next.
Medicine Entry
Also the predicted uai required for an interview at UNSW has also increased. I've made a calculator "Chezza's UNSW Medicine Calculator" for it and will be updating it soon for the new table, which you can have a look at to see what kind of UMAT/ATAR balance you will need/aiming for. So your studies will also be very important if you are determined on UNSW. Once you are past the ATAR and UMAT hurdle you must also keep in mind that you have to have extra curriculum activities and further intiatives taken which show your interest. This will be further your chance of a good interview.
Also, be open to other medical schools like UWS and interstate. UNSW medicine is a good goal as you have to work really hard for your ATAR and UMAT. If you are a greater western applicant then you will have an advantage for UWS medicine with a ATAR requirement of 93. They have brand new $50 million facilities and have a more practical focus. An example is through their PBL - Problem Based Learning style (group learning) and early-and-regular clinical approach (more hospital visits from early on)
If you have any questions regarding the medicine proccess, applications, advice etc or you need help in Chemistry or Phys feel free to ask