Does school performance affect your ATAR/raw mark? (1 Viewer)


Active Member
Jan 21, 2011
Oh also some of the catch(or 'disadvantage' in a way) of higher ranked school is that they may limit the number of people who are able to choose certain 'harder'(often better scaling) preliminary and HSC subjects to begin with.

But those are purely based on their yr 10 performance and in some top schools it can be quite competitive. Like those who were not allowed to do the subject in that top school they may actually do really well had they got the chance to try it (say at a lower ranked school).


New Member
May 18, 2024
I feel like you're mixing up terms.


Raw school assessment (mark submitted by your school for you) ----(moderation)---> Raw moderated school assessment
Raw moderated school assessment ----(alignment)---> Assessment Mark/Grade
Raw exam mark (mark given by marking centre for your external exams) ----(alignment)---> Examination Mark

Moderation process is done school by school based on your cohorts results and relative internal mark distribution.
Alignment process is done state wide.

HSC Mark is average of Assessment Mark/Grade and Examination Mark and appears alongside these two values on your transcript. This determines what bands you get.


Raw moderated school assessment + Raw exam mark ----(averaged)---> Raw HSC mark
Raw HSC Mark ----(scaling)---> Scaled Mark
Scaled Mark + the other 8 units of Scaled Marks = Aggregate
Aggregates are ordered and you get your relevant percentile (ATAR).


Yes, believe it or not that 4 terms actually went to something and the performance in school will affect your ATAR. Yes, your mark distribution in comparison to your cohort matters and its not just "your rank" that matters unless you come first or last. Yes, if your cohort flunks terribly and you do great you may be treated as an outlier and your mark will be fine.

process of scaling)
Ohhh I see now, I was confused about how internal assessment marks were scaled. I thought that raw assessment marks had no adjustments since alignment is related to the HSC. I wasn't aware of the moderation process or that it formed the raw mark HSC mark.
Thank you.


Active Member
Jul 24, 2024
your burning ashes
You clearly have not read the relevant writings on this by NESA and UAC and thats not at all how works. For one, it is to do with alignment, NOT scaling, and secondly it is only for raw exam marks to Examination marks. I don't know where you've heard the utter rubbish that has anything to do with ranks or school ranks, the process its modelling by NESA is done without school marks even being entered because its alignment! Doesn't have anything to do with school or rank! a raw 70 in 4u from a kid from mt druitt or from james ruse still aligns identically, this is not the part of HSC calculations that have anything to do with schools or ranks or internals. What he is talking about are raw internal marks, which do not go through the alignment process until they are moderated and are entirely arbitrary; his 70% means nothing without the context of his cohort's performance in the hsc and your scaling guess is ridiculous. Please do not misguide people when you do not understand what you are on about. I am not "yapping", I'm literally sharing with sources the process that marks go through. I literally contributed to LOL my marks are on there 🤣
Damn, my bad I thought that alignment differed from schools. At least I know now lol thanks.

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