The new DotA map is more balanced I reckon, everything is spaced out more equally on both sides. i.e the World Tree and The Frozen Throne are in the same position if you kinda mirror it. (no more pushing for World Tree at bottom easily any more
The new heroes are kinda ridiculous tho, Admiral Proudmoore with his super splash attack is stupid (try vsing him as a small ranged int/agi hero) and Windrunner with her arrow that binds them to a tree.
But overall, I Believe..
Its nerf time for the new heroes
The new heroes are kinda ridiculous tho, Admiral Proudmoore with his super splash attack is stupid (try vsing him as a small ranged int/agi hero) and Windrunner with her arrow that binds them to a tree.
But overall, I Believe..
Its nerf time for the new heroes